• @JohnDoe_1492
    331 year ago

    Okay, I’m just gonna say it… I hated this on Reddit, and I’m hating it here… STOP CALLING ALL THESE GIRLS SLUTS. For fucks sake, nothing about being comfortable with their body makes them a slut. Nothing about being comfortable sharing their body makes them a slut. Your need to CALL THEM A SLUT betrays the fact that you’re a fucking misogynist. Jesus Christ… Go fuck yourself already.

    • @CharlieTChameleon
      -71 year ago

      “Slut” doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Calling a woman a “slut” or “slutty” can be endearing. Context is everything. This is the wrong issue to get up on a soap box for.

      • @JohnDoe_1492
        1 year ago

        I think it’s a pretty good soap box, y’know why? Because I can think of a word for black people about which this is also true. You know who gets to use that word in that context? That person’s friends. Not random assholes who post pictures of them on the internet.