• @[email protected]
      336 months ago

      It’s actually super based to blow up terrorists attacking container vessels.

      You can either shut the fuck and bitch about inflation (which is driven up by Houthi attacks) or you can go on a weird demand for a ceasefire but acknowledge paying higher prices for goods is a necessary side effect of allowing Houthis to terrorize shipping lanes.

      • @[email protected]
        -86 months ago

        It’s actually super based to blow up terrorists attacking container vessels.

        It is if you swallow the US imperialist propaganda happily and greedily.

        Anyone that’s not a useful idiot, sees it a bit different.

        • @[email protected]
          146 months ago

          Congratulations on bringing up a subject we weren’t talking about to say something the comment author clearly wasn’t saying.

          Go you.

    • @[email protected]
      326 months ago

      Because letting shitheads affect a major shipping route and cause another supply shortage and more inflation will surely win him it!

      • @[email protected]
        -206 months ago

        You do realize that there’s another way to make them stop doing it, don’t you?. That other way also has the side effect of murdering significantly fewer innocent Palestinians. It would also act to prevent the conflict from spreading regionally.

        I realize that retraining Israel would deny us Americans our dead brown people high, but come on, think of all the inflation we could prevent by not killing them.

        • @[email protected]
          136 months ago

          That’s a mighty huge brush you’re painting 300+ million with, skippy.

          Unfortunately, those types of people never stop. They would immediately see that as a major sign of weakness and would expand on the attacks, targeting more ships over a larger area. Any hoo, those ass hats are now toast, so any sympathy you have for them might as well be vaporized with them.

          • من البحر إلى النهر
            6 months ago

            It worked so well in Afghanistan, might as well repeat it in Yemen

            Unfortunately, those types of people never stop.

            And we’ll never stop as long as you are all the way over here. As if attacking us would do anything except motivate us to resist. What a racist and chauvinist world view.

            The US aids Israel in its genocide, and our resistance is the problem. What a lopsided logic but whatever. Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them.

            • @[email protected]
              216 months ago

              Your “resistance” consists of kidnapping Filipino crewmen. Truly a bastion against US tyranny

              • AdeptusPrimaris
                -46 months ago

                And your western world “defense” consists of years of continuing crimes against humanity and genocide. Truly the leaders of human rights and freedom

                • @[email protected]
                  66 months ago

                  They’re not clear at all lmao. They attack whatever vessel they want and then find a flimsy connection to Israel after the fact.

                  The Houthis, on the other hand, were very clearly warned. They are free not to attack and kidnap cargo ships, otherwise they are free to get bombed. They have chosen the latter option.

                  • من البحر إلى النهر
                    6 months ago

                    So seizing ships supplying a genocidal regime is worse than genocide? When will the “international community” bomb Israel for its genocide in Gaza?

                    I’m not going to complain much since it is pointless and we wanted to bait the US into another decades-long and losing war after all. Your comments remind me of what people were saying during the early days of the war on Afghanistan in 2001, we all know how it ended. Doing the same thing somewhere else and expecting a different outcome is a sign of craziness. If you think the US will have any outcome that it can call a win then you are just as delusional as the people who thought the US would be welcomed as liberators in Iraq and Afghanistan.

                    Then again, people like you are just looking to satiate their blood lust, and don’t care if the US repeats its losses a la Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. But I ask you this, unless you are under 30, do you remember how it was in 2001? do you think you are better off today?