I really need a regular bottom buddy to practice and build up my stamina with. Would love to get my bottoms more than just leaking before I’m ready to shoot my load in them.
😘 yeah I want to be able to edge myself inside my bottom. Keep a nice erection but not drive into an orgasm asap. I think it’s all about headspace and chemistry, and I think a patient bottom would be great to practice with.
Prostate orgasms are hard to achieve, I just use plugs and dildos and fuck they’re heavenly but I still haven’t hit a hands free orgasm yet. Been getting close recently though. But yeah, it doesn’t reflect on you as a top so much as how much the bottom is wired for it you know?
I can do it to myself with a dildo but it’s different. It’s an internal orgasm like all the body and mind sensations but no cumming, maybe just some prostate fluids. The result is when you get the right spot you can just keep riding that organic wave. I’ve gone about 40 minutes in that state before I was exhausted. I’ve also done it to a power bottom once with my fingers and toys; it was gratifying to get him there.
I think guys expect a full ejaculation and that’s not really a thing.
I’ve cum in my cage from sounding with my gape keeper plug in, it stimulates your prostate from the inside and it’s amazing and weird. No direct penis stimulation! And recently I’ve started getting that same feeling from prostate stimulation as I fuck myself. I think if I really want to cum from it I’ll have to not cum for a couple or a few weeks to get horny and desperate enough. During locktober my sessions got way more intense.
Jesus Christ this is spectacular – it’s big, meaty, and shaped perfectly to beat up a prostate. Loooooove this.
I really need a regular bottom buddy to practice and build up my stamina with. Would love to get my bottoms more than just leaking before I’m ready to shoot my load in them.
When I read your hypnotic prose while staring at this pic there is almost nothing I won’t agree to. You’re gorgeous. You’re a catch. Let’s practice.
😘 yeah I want to be able to edge myself inside my bottom. Keep a nice erection but not drive into an orgasm asap. I think it’s all about headspace and chemistry, and I think a patient bottom would be great to practice with.
Prostate orgasms are hard to achieve, I just use plugs and dildos and fuck they’re heavenly but I still haven’t hit a hands free orgasm yet. Been getting close recently though. But yeah, it doesn’t reflect on you as a top so much as how much the bottom is wired for it you know?
I can do it to myself with a dildo but it’s different. It’s an internal orgasm like all the body and mind sensations but no cumming, maybe just some prostate fluids. The result is when you get the right spot you can just keep riding that organic wave. I’ve gone about 40 minutes in that state before I was exhausted. I’ve also done it to a power bottom once with my fingers and toys; it was gratifying to get him there.
I think guys expect a full ejaculation and that’s not really a thing.
I’ve cum in my cage from sounding with my gape keeper plug in, it stimulates your prostate from the inside and it’s amazing and weird. No direct penis stimulation! And recently I’ve started getting that same feeling from prostate stimulation as I fuck myself. I think if I really want to cum from it I’ll have to not cum for a couple or a few weeks to get horny and desperate enough. During locktober my sessions got way more intense.
Gorgeous pecs, too!