• @[email protected]
    49 months ago

    “They” being the millions of voters who select Biden as the nominee? Or are you just removing their agency because they didn’t vote for the guy you liked?

    • Diotima
      19 months ago

      Is that what we’re calling the extremely undemocratic process of nomination in the DNC? We do not select our candidates, the party elites do.

        • Diotima
          -19 months ago

          Said like someone who doesn’t actually grasp the DNC primary process.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            Bernie was on my ballot. I know because I voted for him twice. But please, do remove the agency of the millions of voters who chose otherwise.

            • Diotima
              -19 months ago

              And nearly all 700 superdelegate party elite votes went to Clinton, which was more than enough to override any effort by grassroots activists to effect meaningful change. I mean, they’ve stated as much themselves; the superdelegate system is designed as a failsafe against the party commoners. Hell, they’ve even argued that if they wished, they could ignore the results and appoint who they like.

              You can bury your head in the sand and pretend that your party elite haven’t rigged the system to silence your voice if you like. Or, you can educate yourself on how your party nominations actually function.

              For a Democratic party, the process is pretty undemocratic.