While Education and Organizing is building the parts for a new engine the rest of the year.

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      There will always be more Josh Hawleys, because the shareholders of the GOP will find them, and get them nominated and then elected to safe seats.

      You can’t wait out the GOP in the hopes that nature will take its course. It will never, ever stop.

      We need an actual trust-busting, corruption-prosecuting bastard who isn’t afraid of keeping friends across the aisle, or preserving relationships with the right law firms or lobbying firms.

      We need someone who will pack the court.

      We need DC and PR to become states.

      We need someone who will cut off federal dollars to parasitic red states for destroying representative democracy.

      We need someone who will discipline people like Joe Manchin when they corruptly protect extractive industry. Turn off as much federal money to West Virginia as you can, and plaster the TV with ads saying “Joe Manchin made this happen.”

      We need someone who isn’t afraid to be LBJ, or TR.

      Basically, when the metaphorical foxes are running the henhouse, you need a bastard fox hunter. Not a slightly-less-increaingly-worse fox.

    • pachrist
      48 months ago

      There is an easy solution.

      Nearly every other democracy in the world uses it.

      But the RNC and DNC have monopolized our political system and brainwashed the voting base against the real solution: voting for anyone else. Don’t be a coward and keep eating shit. Vote third party.

      I live in a place where my voice and vote have been taken from me by gerrymandering and the electoral college. Millions of Americans live like this. If you want to eat shit and vote Biden to avoid eating more shit with Trump, I absolutely understand. It’s basic math.

      But if you’re a liberal living in rural Tennessee like I am, and your vote is literal trash, I’d encourage every one of those people who’ve had their vote and choice stolen from them, like I have, to vote third party every time.