EDIT: since apparently a bunch of people woke up with the wrong foot this morning or forgot to check the group they’re in:

This is a joke. Do not steal or vandalize speed enforcement cameras (or anything else for that matter). That’s against the law and you will likely get arrested.

If you’re addicted to crack or any other drugs, please seek professional help.

    • Iron Lynx
      010 months ago

      And putting up signs and cameras literally only does so much to convince people to slow down on wide, straight roads. How likely is the average driver in your area to speed? I can assure you, half of the road users are worse than that.

      If we’re going to start pointing to other discussions, make it as easy to find your point as you can. Case in point, what I’m talking about.

        • Iron Lynx
          010 months ago

          And “realistic solutioins that work now and can be quickly applied everywhere” are far too easily quick fixes. And nothing is as permanent as a quick fix.

          Besides, at least one of your sources is a Canadian car journalist, someone who’s probably personally invested in sucking GM’s metaphorical dick.
          And let’s also face it, Canada, a country where a city of half a million people was “too small for a rapid transit network,” while cities a third its size have about as much, if not more, absolute track mileage and ridership on their tram network than Toronto.

          Who’s the biased one here, mister pot, accusing the kettle he’s black?

            • Iron Lynx
              10 months ago

              Two words: Jersey barriers.

              You can at least create the chicanes by putting up concrete barriers. Just as simple as a moveable speed trap, achieves much of the traffic calming effect, no extra police resources needed.

              EDIT: In fact, now I think about it, using planters will have most of the same effect, while looking prettier.