Titles like:

“Describe my X in one word.”

“Say yes if you would X”

“My X told me my Y are too Z. Thoughts?”

“X or Y, which one do you choose?”

“Do X like my Y?”

I have seen them all over on Reddit, and have started to see them popping up here. To me these feel like pretty blatant click/upvote bait. I see no problem with content creators posting, but should there be some restrictions in place?

  • @[email protected]
    336 months ago

    I dont mind nsfw-posters, I just wish the agents posting these would stop repeating the exact lines you mentioned.

    • @Radovic
      246 months ago

      Yeah, it’s just so low effort. You want to see engagement titles done right check out sexmeat’s profile. That woman always makes me laugh.

      • @cobalt
        46 months ago

        damn, no repeats! thank you for this.