• @[email protected]
    1065 months ago

    one way I know the lemmy population is old is how frequently we complain about the youths these days. we’ve become our parents, and their parents before them, moaning about how no one has good taste anymore

    • Mister Neon
      465 months ago

      The kids suck, but the olds suck even harder. Moral of the story, “I don’t like people”.

    • @[email protected]
      335 months ago

      Idk, man. I started feeling this way when I was ~14, at least about the music I heard on the radio. I rarely got any say over what we listened to in my parent’s cars so I’d constantly be praying that the next song wouldn’t be something that had come out recently

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        it’s one thing to not like new music, i think that’s normal, people discover the music they like fairly early on and usually get kinda stuck in it. but all the people saying new music is objectively garbage and people just have garbage taste now? yea they got that boomer mentality where the stuff they like from their youth is the golden age, everything else is inferior, and their opinions are facts

        • @[email protected]
          135 months ago

          I dig new music and follow a bunch of artists who are releasing things right now. Over the last few years I’ve been introduced to entirely new genres and have fallen in love with them. This is the best time ever to be into music, there’s unprecedented variety and even very niche things can grow a strong community. Suffice it to say I do not believe that my personal taste has been cemented

          But at the same time imo the typical pop music you hear in public has genuinely been getting worse. Some stuff is okay but a lot of it feels inauthentic. Just my 2c, I wouldn’t argue the point in objective terms

          • @[email protected]
            75 months ago

            I’m in the exact same boat re: your first paragraph and I used to think the same re: your second paragraph, then I looked up the top charts from the 90s and yeah… it was always bad lol.

        • @[email protected]
          25 months ago

          I frequently burn myself out on music so I listen to a lot of new stuff, mainly hip hop and all sorts of electronic. I’ve just been a top 50 chart hater for years

    • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
      155 months ago

      Top pop has always been trash.

      Occasionally there are earworms like Toxic, Shape of You, or Padam Padam but it’s mostly committee produced garbage.

    • @[email protected]
      125 months ago

      I’m either still young or just a contrarian but so far I’ve successfully managed to avoid becoming this person. I constantly look for new stuff to experience and I still haven’t felt like things have peaked. As in, no, I don’t think music nowadays sucks, are you insane? There’s so much cool stuff being made all the time that my only complaint is that don’t have enough time to experience it all.

      • @[email protected]
        95 months ago

        yea im in the sweet spot too lol, 30 and still regularly discovering new music i like. i hope we both maintain this positivity as we age, i think it’s a much nicer way to wade through life. even if i reach a point where i stop liking new music, i hope i can still see the value in it for others, i never want to be that old grump

    • @[email protected]
      85 months ago

      I don’t think the complaint here is about the modern music, more about how it’s being produced and curated.

    • @[email protected]
      65 months ago

      Maybe top 50 (back in my day it was top 40 dadgummit) is blah currently, idk. But there’s definitely lots and lots and lots of great music out there to discover.

    • Alex
      55 months ago

      I’m one of those youths and I hate most of the music my peers listen to.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      I went to a TOOL concert last weekend and it really put into perspective how old my taste in music is lol. It seemed like 90% of the people there were like 30-40.

      For context, I’m 19.

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      What’s weird is that I don’t even know how people know what the “kids these days” are into. Like where are they getting that information? Maybe I’m just divorced from the zeitgeist, but I dunno how people ever think to look at “oh this song has 4 billion listens” or whatever. I guess what I’m saying is, is the perception of “the kids” a real thing, or is it just kind of this weird fake thing people make up so they can get mad at their own hallucinations?