During that psychotic break, she stabbed O’Melia multiple times, eventually killing him. She also stabbed herself repeatedly, officials said.

The next morning, officers arrived at the apartment to find O’Melia in a pool of blood and Spejcher screaming hysterically while still holding a knife in her hands. As officers tried to disarm her, Spejcher plunged the knife into her neck, authorities said.

This seems like the right move to me. If you drink alcohol, you know that you’ll be impaired driving and should be held accountable. When you smoke pot, you don’t expect that you’ll stab yourself in the neck. She truly seems to be a victim just as much as the guy, even if his outcome was ultimately worse.

  • @[email protected]
    58 months ago

    I don’t understand what I’m reading here. Maybe California law is different, but if she was sentenced to probation, then doesn’t that mean that she was found guilty?

    If her defense was supposed to be that she was not responsible due to psychosis, wouldn’t she be found not guilty due to the psychosis, and would be treated in a psychiatric hospital?