• @[email protected]
    528 months ago

    I will hold my nose and vote against a dictatorship but I do understand why people are so FUCKING ANGRY with the DNC for not even trying to find someone who is representative of the Democratic voters. They haven’t done so for the last decades and it is getting to point where something serious needs to be done about it. As in, make it clear to those ‘in power’ that we will make their lives a living hell if they continue to ignore the people.

    It’s more than insulting. It’s disgusting behavior by people who know they can do whatever the fuck they want and no one can say or do anything about it because TRUUUMP!! It’s a fucking joke. It’s a disgrace to democracy and I will never again vote for Democrats.

    This country is in fucking shambles.

    • @[email protected]
      198 months ago

      I will hold my nose and vote against a dictatorship but

      nd I will never again vote for Democrats.

      so which is it?

      • @[email protected]
        148 months ago

        It’s really not that hard to understand. I will vote this time, to prevent trump. Then I will ensure that there is another choice the next time. In any way I can.

        • @[email protected]
          98 months ago

          well it’s grammatically confusing; if you’d stated ‘and going forward, I will never again’ - sorry it’s easy to get confused when the statements contradict each other. I wish you the best of luck, I despise the DNC and think, short of trump / gop, there are few orgs I dislike more, but I will always give them the carveout: well yeah if it’s hitler/trump/etc, I’ll have to. there are people in so many threads that can’t grok there’s a good reason for that carveout, and want to play fuck-around-and-find-out with trump-2.0 rebuilding our democracy into a fascistopia.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Careful about confusing them, theyre reporting comments and getting them removed by automod lmao. It’s almost worse than reddit. Fuck this place

        • @[email protected]
          68 months ago

          yeah I get comments pulled for hurting feelings all over. people can dish out insults but they really don’t like retorts that come with facts linked, especially the facts that refute their ideals. I was hoping lemmy would be a bit more clinical.

    • @[email protected]
      108 months ago

      Biden won the primary by millions and millions of votes, will easily do so again this year, and his policies are (and always have been) square in the middle of the Democratic mainstream. Say what you want about him but he’s clearly representative of Democratic voters.

      • @[email protected]
        138 months ago

        That “square in the middle” skews white and middle class.

        I also think you underestimate the number of people who voted for him purely because he isn’t Trump in 2020.

        • @[email protected]
          98 months ago

          and now the logic is well he wasn’t trump in 2020 so let’s actually try trump who’s literally planning a dictatorship?

          make it make sense

          • @[email protected]
            98 months ago

            What does this snark have to do with the comment you responded to? Is the Democratic establishment supposed to be beyond even mild criticism? Yeah, they have voters stuck in a corner. We get it.

            Now here is something for you to get. The people posting this shit are far more likely to harden people’s resolve to punish the Democrats for their abuse of the situation. You are the flip side of the same coin, choosing virtue signaling instead of trying to heal the breech the Democratic establishment created. It’s fucking tribalism, just like the Republicans.

              • @[email protected]
                38 months ago

                As a member of the Numpty tribe, you are a poopy head. Did I just persuade you to work with me?

                • @[email protected]
                  18 months ago

                  nah, you’re a loser. you literally roll out a false equivalency then ask for help? nawp, in fact, I’ll block you so I don’t future inane interactions with you.

                  • @[email protected]
                    18 months ago

                    I never made a false equivalency. “Republicans and Democrats are both mammals” does not mean “Republicans and Democrats are equivalent.”. The fact that your tribalistic thinking can’t tell the difference just reenforces my point.

                    Were I a Republican strategist I would have people doing exactly what you are. You aren’t bringing potential Democratic voters back into the fold, you are telling them that they get to have no influence over the Democratic party or their government - no matter who is in charge. They are going to check out completely. When the Republicans win, it’s people like you that are usually responsible.

                    This is precisely what was wrong with Hillary’s “deplorables” comment. It hit hard because it reflected exactly what was painfully obvious about her elitist views.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          What are you talking about? It’s both a big- and small-D Democratic election. Biden got nearly 20 million votes, a majority of the total and almost double what Sanders got.

    • @[email protected]
      98 months ago

      Yeah I know. I really do. Not excusing it all but progressive policy is hamstrung by all the insane compromise that has to be made. Most of it due to the machinations of both external meddling by countries like Russia, and a (metaphorical) handful of rich people polluting the public discourse with utter nonsense.

      They have the media sewn up to spew garbage, and are destroying the education systems to weaken any intellectual resistance.

    • @[email protected]
      88 months ago

      We have more power to select our democratic candidate than you might think. The primaries in 2020 were our opportunity to select our democratic candidate. Far less people vote in primaries than they do in the general election. Biden won the primaries, so he got the Democratic nomination. If more people voted for primaries we could have a more progressive president. It just turns out that a smaller subset of our population gets to pick the Democratic nominee

      • @[email protected]
        118 months ago

        You say that as though the entirety of the DNC leadership didn’t unite against Bernie Sanders when he was the clear front runner over Hillary. And again, in 2020. I agree, more people need to vote in the primaries. But there is clearly meddling and coercion happening behind the scenes to ensure an appropriately corporate candidate is selected.

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      Well, for me I actually quite like Biden. His Israel stance and protectionist economic policies are largely the only real policy positions he has that I disagree with him on, and he has done an exceptional job of accomplishing his stated policy goals within an extremely difficult and toxic political environment.

      Here’s some food for thought: The last time the democrats had a solid hold on the federal govt with a filibuster proof majority in congress, we got the affordable care act. Ever since that term, the dems have been hamstrung by the GOP and rogue DINOs like Manchin and Sinema.

      I don’t think there’s any “controlled opposition” conspiracy. If there’s a group to blame here the most, it’s the American media for pretending that the reason dems don’t get anything done is anything other than obstructionism and “both sides are bad hurr durr” rhetoric.

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        I’m not claiming there is a secret cabal of evil doers conspiring to ruin everything. But the interests of the rich all align and so they are all largely working towards the same thing. Having money in politics corrupts every single person in it, though to varying degrees. Both sides are very clearly bad. But also very clearly not to the same degree. I agree that Biden has done a lot that is good. But his whole platform is attempting to maintain status quo and while I haven’t mentioned this before, my main concern is climate change.

        Climate change is going to FUCK everyone. It is already and there is virtually no time to daudle about with half measures and false promises. There have been policies that claim to help and may even attempt to in good faith but they are consistently coopted or corrupted by lobbiests before being implemented or circumvented after. There needs to be strong, decisive action taken to reign in carbon emissions and not just do carbon offsets because carbon offsets are never going to solve this problem. All they do is delay actual action. The main reason I am so fucking angry with Biden is because he’s fucking ancient and simply doesn’t feel the same urgency as someone who will actually live with the consequences of the recklessness and stupidity of fossil fuels companies.

        Everything he has tried to do with regards to this only ends up enriching companies further or passing the blame off to the poor of the country who have no other options than to use fossile fuels. I want someone who will take these oil oligarchs (Oiligarchs is something I saw once and it made me chuckle) to task and actually reign in their insane greed and violence against the natural world. He would and could never even dream of actually doing so. No one the DNC would ever allow to be the candidate would.

        There is literally no time left to enact action but here we are twiddling our thumbs while Republicans debate whether Texas should secede for some insane reason. It’s all distraction. I’m pissed the fuck off at it all and the ineffectiveness of liberal policy. They are all meek cowards who only exist to lose against the Republicans and then shrug and claim "well at least we tried. :( "

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          What could Biden have feasibly done other than what he’s already done in regards to climate change?

          The free market already knows that the fossil fuel industry is rapidly dying, as evidenced by the fact that renewable energy is now the cheapest option for building out new power gen and oil companies have been diversifying away from oil for years now. Don’t be surprised if you see Shell building offshore wind farms instead of oil drilling platforms soon.

          He’s included absolutely massive amounts of funding for renewable projects in the infrastructure bills that have been passed. Enough so that I expect the entire energy landscape of the US to look totally different within the decade. It can’t be overstated how big of deal this is, and realistically, this is the most effective climate action he could have taken that wouldn’t get stonewalled by republican obstructionism.

          Re. fossil fuels and poor people, he’s done a good job of both not handing more power to the fossil fuel corps while also not hamstringing the industry and subsequently jacking up the price of energy and transportation across the board. As much as I’d like to ditch fossil fuels, enacting policy that would jack gas prices into the double digits before we’re ready to switch by gutting the fossil fuels industry would be political suicide.

          Sure, a lot of the legislation he’s passing hands money to wealthy corporations. Somebody has to build the infrastructure to get us off fossil fuels after all. That doesn’t mean it isn’t also improving the world around us at a pace faster than any president in recent history, and being in a position that Biden is bringing us to is a much more stable platform to build real social and economic change off of. There will be no need for a messy revolution if we can incrementally design and build systems that handle the issues we face in a level headed, evidence based fasion.

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        The last time the democrats had a solid hold on the federal govt with a filibuster proof majority in congress, we got the affordable care act.

        A giveaway to corporate America and they arrogantly decided not to codify Roe v. Wade. And don’t forget, this was right after the financial crash and not one person from Wall Street went to jail over any of that shit.

        • @[email protected]
          38 months ago

          It’s a hell of a lot more than anything the republicans have done for me in my lifetime. I certainly wouldn’t call it a giveaway to corporate america, they fought tooth and nail to try and keep anything even close to the ACA from passing. Is it an ideal system? No, but at least I can get a reasonable insurance package while un or self employed now, and that’s a huge deal for the economic mobility of the masses.

          Diverting any of the efforts that went into passing the ACA to stuff like codifying roe v wade or staging a big crackdown on wallstreet most likely would have ended up with the ACA getting axed. That’s why we need to get the dems to have a secure position as the controlling party so they can focus on longer term goals and hammer the right wingers into irrelevancy. If we can get there, I’d hope to see the dems split into a liberal and leftist party so that way we can argue about which way we want to make progress happen instead of desperately trying to make any progress happen at all.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            Buddy, I’m not content with “better than Republicans”. The Republicans are getting worse every year and Democrats are happy to follow closely behind.

            Diverting any of the efforts that went into passing the ACA to stuff like codifying roe v wade or staging a big crackdown on wallstreet most likely would have ended up with the ACA getting axed.

            You’re free to believe that. I believe they intentionally dragged it out specifically so they wouldn’t have to deliver anything else. Because most Democrat politicians are pro-corporate trash who are enabling the drift into fascism if not outright facilitating it.

            • @[email protected]
              18 months ago

              You shouldn’t be content with just “better than Republicans” that’s how we get progress. That said, I still think you’re overstating how bad the democrats are. Yes, on some issues, they fold to corporate pressures and I’m not happy about that. In many other areas they are hamstrung by obstructionism and having to appeal to a big tent voter base; this is unavoidable until the republican party becomes irrelevant and the dems can split. There are plenty of areas however where they’re making incredible progress, here’s a list of stuff that the Biden admin has done just in 2023: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhatBidenHasDone/comments/11lohnc/what_biden_has_done_year_three_year_one_two_are/

              • @[email protected]
                8 months ago

                44 Democrat senators politicians and Joe Biden acted with lightning speed to block the rail strike. Meanwhile Biden has enlisted Yellen and Powell to go to war with American Workers. Fuck Joe Biden.

                still think you’re overstating how bad the democrats are

                Respectfully, go fuck yourself. If you genuinely don’t think this is bad then you and I are not on the same side. Good luck in 2024 Elect your procorporate trash candidate all on your own.