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Share some of the sexy or non-sexy naughty fun you’ve been up to!

  • demonologic
    211 months ago

    Feels very different to doing it “manually” doesn’t it?

    • @dazedandconfusedOP
      211 months ago

      Haha it’s much more subtle but the build up is awesome. I just have to keep my head in the right place. I think that kind of mindfulness might make me better at sex, too. I should start that up again.

      • demonologic
        211 months ago

        Yeah another dude said that vibes didn’t do much for him, so I can imagine it could be a pretty faint feeling. Anything that makes you more “present” when having sex (or doing anything for that matter) is probably going to be a good thing

        • @dazedandconfusedOP
          211 months ago

          Okay sure but fwiw I think guys should practice arousal and stimulation from other sources. I’ve been running into so many guys that only cum by jerking off with their own hand which is like 🤔

          • demonologic
            211 months ago

            Oh I meant that mindfulness is probably good since it makes you more present, sorry, I can’t write today. The horny is interfering with my language 😀

            But yeah I guess men using any sort of sex toys is still a bit, well, maybe not taboo but uncommon at least