• @[email protected]
    258 months ago

    If you’re interested in convincing people to vote for Biden (which I think is the best option we’ll have this election) then I would urge you to talk about the contributions he’s made, and to stop telling people who don’t want to vote for him that they’re the reason the fascists might win. Even if it were true, telling them that will not convince anyone to vote for Biden.

    It’s also misguided to blame voters for not voting the way you want. If you want a vote, you have to convince the voter! Oh, is the voter too stupid or evil to understand that the candidate is the best? That’s a candidate problem. It’s literally how democracy works.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      But if they don’t vote for him, fascists WILL win. This is not an opinion. It’s a hard truth. And that should be motivation enough for one to hold their nose and vote- THEN make the decision to pay attention more than once every four years.

      • Cowbee [he/him]
        168 months ago

        That same line gets thrown at leftists every election despite no concessions from liberals. Leftists are absolutely trying to make grassroots movement, but overcoming the liberal status quo and making positive change is tremendously difficult. Yes, leftists should vote for Biden, but the DNC should not be surprised that Leftists get desperate and can vote third party if the DNC continues to be a center-right Neoliberal mess.

      • @[email protected]
        138 months ago

        If it’s not motivating people whose fault is that?

        I voted for Biden before and I’ll do it again. I do think Trump is a threat to democracy. But if a restaurant goes out of business, is it reasonable or productive to say, “it’s the person who didn’t patronize our restaurant who did this”? “If it weren’t for the naysayers and people going to our competitors we would have stayed open!”

        Maybe the restaurant should have changed the menu. Maybe it should have offered better prices. Maybe they should have made it more welcoming and marketed better.

        For people who don’t want to eat shit, either don’t offer them shit, explain how it’s not shit, or make a pretty empathetic and convincing case why they’ve got to. My original point was that attempting to shame people and point the finger is not that winning case.

        • @[email protected]
          78 months ago

          Except it isn’t a restaurant, it’s control of government, and a basic understanding of the rules of voting in the country shows that there are only two choices that have a reasonable chance of winning.

          • @[email protected]
            88 months ago

            And? If you want people to vote for the candidate you support, you have to convince them to do it!

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              Yeah which takes ads, which require donations, and that is why politicians basically have to sell out in order to get votes.

              EDIT: Everyone is right. The way the world works is that the Democratic candidate has to be a vaulted saint who single-handedly sheds decades old international alliances and ends all war and famine, is immune from money concerns, and disseminates his message via telepathy because traditional donations are beneath a being of his type…and he must be able to fully defeat a Republican demagogue who takes money from anyone, has the full support of Russia, and whose every utterance is covered in the press in addition to being a de-facto cult leader with a warchest of millions or even billions of dollars to be able to do traditional ad buys as well.

              Completely reasonable 🙄

          • @[email protected]
            98 months ago

            It’s a convenient excuse to blame bad reviews for a restaurant closing. If the fundamentals of the business are good then bad reviews might hurt but aren’t a fatal blow. We can push any analogy until it breaks, but your example is a good case where blaming bad reviews is a convenient way for a restaurant owner to absolve themselves of responsibility or having to think introspectively about why they’re not doing well, similar to what Democratic leadership often does.

            • @[email protected]
              68 months ago

              How about NO analogies.

              Staying home instead of voting because one is too busy pouring over a single issue ideology easily the most of tent and foolish thing one can do. The majority of these kids suffering people do this, and/or stating that they themselves are doing this- maybe should place been paying attention the over the last 8-10 years and being active about making change instead of whining o line ever four years.

              There. No analogies.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          We’re past motivation. It’s fight for the existence of destruction of democracy. Vote now and worry about who’s to blame later.

          • @[email protected]
            98 months ago

            If it’s as serious as you say, you might consider trying to sway people who don’t already agree with you instead of telling them they’re the reason the country is in trouble.

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              It’s amusing that you think I haven’t tried this already. I tried it in 2016 with the Bernie Bros, and again in 2020. This year, I say fuck them. I will be voting to save democracy, but I’m done trying to reason with unreasonable children and I’m not about to kiss their smug asses to get them to see part their own ignorance.

              • @[email protected]
                38 months ago

                You’re right that our political situation is frustrating. I feel it too, how many elections can we have where “this is the most important election of our lives”?

                That said, I’d encourage you to have empathy for other people, and to consider the possibility that if someone doesn’t agree with you, it may not be because they’re unreasonable, but because they have different life experiences and perspective than you. If you take that approach you may find people more receptive to your position. (And may get something valuable from their perspective too)

                • @[email protected]
                  38 months ago

                  Nope. Not happening. As I said- I e been there already. There’s too much at stake now to give these idiots the patience it would take to eventually get through to them. It’s too late for that. I’ve talked with them, I’vetried reasoning with them. They’re stubborn and willfully ignoring what will be the consequences of their decisions. They’re both and sold into their socialist nonsense and will not listen to anything outside intalling one of their own as president.

                  They think they know everything and refuse to accept that they’ll be allowing history to repeat itself- and will absolutely refuse to accept the balls when it does. I’ve been though this before.

                  So… Fuck them. I have no tolerance for willful ignorance.

                  • @[email protected]
                    38 months ago

                    I primaried for bernie twice and voted for clinton and then biden, your entitlement is so fucking toxic I don’t even know where to begin so im just not even going to bother. If trump wins again it should be your wakeup call that you cant just ignore the demands of the left and expect us to show up on election day. It will be the result of your willful ignorance that history repeats itself. Ill be voting for biden despite what an entitled cunt you are, but I have accepted the reality that there can be no meaningful change until boomers enter the next phase of the human life cycle, and guess what young people are all about that socialist nonsense brother. Cheers

    • Adub
      58 months ago

      Biden supports Two-State no other candidate does. Biden has increased aid into Gaza & advocated heavily to reduce the severity of fighting. Trump wants to deport any immigrant not supporting Israel & wants to get back into office to cut $200 million of funding to UNRWA that goes to Palestine. Biden works hard to stop Russia trying to genocide Ukraine. He is working to limit Iranian arms that are being used to kill Israelis, Arabs, Palestinians, and other in the region. He is working with peers to get trade flowing through one of the busiest shipping channels. That issue is further risking harm in Africa that has been experiencing massive turmoil & escalation of conflicts rising cost of food & resources would further expand that.

      But please tell us your candidate, campaign, and actions that will improve or do anything for Palestinians let alone American fighting against wannabe theocrats & opposition that want to lower the quality of life for everyone but the ultra-rich.