• @[email protected]
    618 months ago

    it’s not the responsibility of voters to vote for certain politicians, it’s the responsibility of the politicians to represent people so they vote for them.

    if you think joe biden is gonna lose then you gotta force joe biden to take more popular positions (he is literally running right now it’s the time you make up your platform), not yell at people “refusing” to vote for him as if they are just petulant children refusing to eat their veggies and act like the most logical and rational option is locking your vote for joe biden and whoever disagrees just cannot understand the correctness of your reasoning.

    (to be clear i’m not american but it’s just ridiculous how many times i have heard this exact song and dance)

    • @[email protected]
      288 months ago

      You’re living in a fantasy world. The reality is that we have a not great candidate, and a REALLY BAD candidate. The people voting for the REALLY BAD candidate are die hard zealots. We really don’t want the REALLY BAD candidate to win because it would be the end of democracy in the US, so the only ethical option is to vote for the other popular candidate, the not great candidate.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        you’re living in the fantasy world since you think philosophically mugging people is actually gonna convince them to vote for “genocide joe”. I don’t want the big bad orange guy to win, so you guys supporting biden need to do better. maybe make him take more popular positions instead of trying to shame people by talking to them like a child not understanding your superior ethics philosophy. just a thought.

        • @[email protected]
          118 months ago

          You’re truly ignorant on the matter it seems. You say we should make someone take better stances? That’s just dumb, if you don’t have a progressive candidate nothing you say as a constituent matters. As someone who has written, emailed, met in person their representative I have not once felt I was heard. Letters and emails were responded to with generic responses, in person I either got to ask a question which got a non answer or brushed off completely.

          Granted, I live in red state so what I have to say matters less and is more dangerous to be let known publicly. There’s not much a lot of us can do to have our voices heard, short of a revolt. But I’m just going to keep doing what little I can in hopes that maybe we can keep chipping at the corruption. I’m going to keep campaigning and voting for representatives I believe try to actually help everyone, not just their chosen few.

          Both Biden and Trump suck, but you better believe I’m voting for the lesser of two evils.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          AFAIU the Spanish civil war was lost to fascists because the opposition couldn’t unite.

          It’s not the responsibility of any one faction to avoid infighting but it is everyone’s responsibility to find common ground.

          History rhymes.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            exactly so while half of one faction already said “fuck it i’m with you” and the other half undecided, it would be very dumb of the other faction to not even move an inch or try to find a common ground, instead stomping their feet and saying “but i want vote now!!!”. that isn’t good for coalition building as far as i know.

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              This is wild speculation but I’m not even sure the Biden administration understands what people want at this point though. I see sort of the same problem in Swedish politics. Left wing politics has stagnated and doesn’t understand how to win people over. Alt right is growing.

              The major difference is that we don’t have first past the post so even when our alt right party is second largest and the right is in government their influence is somewhat limited. They certainly get to ship their agenda but at least there are others in the room with a voice when they do.

        • @[email protected]
          28 months ago

          You’re living in a fantasy world if you think average citizens have any influence on policy making.

      • XIIIesq
        128 months ago

        Insulting your opponents does nothing but galvanize them.

      • no.
        48 months ago

        Democracy ended in the US the moment voters felt it necessary to unconditionally support the man aiding a genocide because the only alternative on the ballot is someone even worse.

        The Democratic Party will never become introspective and seek to improve in any meaningful way because they know they already have your vote for the above reason. Not only that, but they create the conditions for it by donating to far-right politicians with the purpose of ensuring victories in elections.

        If the Democratic party was given reason to think they’d lose support from their voter base, they would actually be compelled to start implementing popular policies. This is something you people could be doing instead of shaming people for not being okay with the backing of a literal genocide.

        Nothing is going to improve unless you leverage the power of bargaining. As it stands now you’re only slightly delaying America’s further descent into Fascism and barely protecting what little you have left, which won’t even last as the Overton window keeps moving to the right with each election because of what the Democrats are doing.

    • @[email protected]
      168 months ago

      to be clear i’m not american

      You probably don’t have a two party system. The song and dance is the song and dance. You hear it a lot because it’s the only song on the radio.

      The work to gain a victory is two-fold.

      • Biden must do everything he can to seem as attractive a candidate as possible.
      • The people who can understand, should: they need to vote for him even if he doesn’t.

      Both of these seek to gain political support. Not one of them. Both.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      then you gotta force joe biden to take more popular positions

      Look at you talking like voting is compulsory everywhere so that the voting majority have such power to threaten a politician with repercussions.

      Welcome to the real world.