• @[email protected]
    478 months ago

    Before World War I and World War II, many thought things would not escalate until we realised it was far too late. The British intelligence thought the assassination of Franz Ferdinand would only be contained regionally instead of escalating to a world war.

    Most wars are class wars and most issues are class issues. But most people are not class conscious. The base tribalism is instead drummed up to distract us from the real root cause. We’re seeing the rise of the far right in many countries such as in Europe, US and India. Most of the rise of the right is due to influx of migrants, who are displaced by neocolonial foreign policies of corporate backed governments and capitalism-induced global warming.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      But most people are not class conscious.

      I think you’d be surprised. Just most of us realize that socialists are ineffective at accomplishing anything. Simultaneously both naive and arrogant and too obnoxious to be able to create a movement most people would want to be a part of.

      Simple truth of it is, in the long run we’re all dead anyway. Better to improve the system we have then wait around for socialists doing endless naval gazing dialectics over which ideological framework a stance on an issue would be in before then deciding whether they’re for it or against it.

      We’ll all grow old and die before socialists do anything other than complain about how stupid the workers are for not appreciating in their genius.

      Keynes > Marx

      Biden > [Do socialists even have their shit together enough to even have a leader?]

      • @[email protected]
        318 months ago

        You don’t have to be democratic socialist to be class conscious. You just have to be aware that much of inequality and injustices arises from growing wealth disparity.

          • @[email protected]
            8 months ago

            The problem with Bernie is he thinks democratic socialism is Scandinavian style democracy where free market still exists but heavily regulated. Most Americans confuse between social democracy and democratic socialism. And that turns off Americans with supporting more expansive welfare programs and regulations, aside from decades of broad anti-socialist propaganda.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          Yeah, you should really be aware of wealth disparity on a global scale. Every American is pretty much in the top 5% of the richest worldwide.

          Disparity won’t be fixed by taxing American rich. It will be fixed by plunging every American to Indian poverty standards.

          • @[email protected]
            58 months ago

            Yeah, if you compare with other countries the Americans are wealthier. But if you compare Americans in the Rust Belt and flyover states with those on the coast, the wealth disparity is much more contextualised and meaningfully comparable. Now we see why Trump is winning in the polls.

            If the wealthy and well off keep ignoring issues, liberal democracy will die and we’re going to have World War III.

            “People who are hungry, people who are out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.”- Franklin D. Roosevelt

    • Ann Archy
      48 months ago

      PLENTY of people saw it coming. The majority of people didn’t give a fuck.