• Flying Squid
    28 months ago

    You didn’t say anything about inaccuracies. You said bias:

    That still does not change the fact they are biased, very much against Israel and owned by Qatar where free speech is not a thing.

    Also, Media Bias Fact Check does not say Jewish Press is “much less” than Al Jazeera when it comes to bias. In fact, their bias levels are about equal.

    Did you not actually think I would check?

      • Flying Squid
        28 months ago

        What you said:

        they still have better rating and less bias than AlJazeera.

        Then you directed me to a website which said they have the same amount of bias.

        So either you didn’t think I would check or you didn’t check.

          • Flying Squid
            28 months ago

            Yes, they are less biased than aljazeera.

            The source you told me to look at says they have the same amount of bias. This seems to be a “what are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?” situation.

              • Flying Squid
                28 months ago

                You said one was more biased than the other. You have yet to show that is the case.

                  • Flying Squid
                    18 months ago

                    That still doesn’t show that it is more biased than the other source. That just shows that it has a bias, something no one has denied.