• @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    I’m conflicted with Abrams. I actually liked The Force Awakens and thought it had alot of potential (despite the seemingly unoriginal story), though JJ Abrams seems to have a history of starting things he can’t seem to finish on his own. Last Jedi went off the rails and Rise of Skywalker was just trash. I just want to know who the hell in Disney thought it was a good idea to move ahead with the Sequel trilogy without a clear story or plan on how to proceed with the trilogy? Ultimately Kathleen Kennedy greenlit that shit, so I think she’s to blame, but how in the hell does one of the biggest entertainment companies on the planet agree to something like that without it being worked out in advance. At a time when some movie series were getting filmed back-to-back-to-back, how in the hell did they not have a cohesive story figured out beforehand?