• YeetPics
    128 months ago

    Summer school lunch programs and restricting kids from getting sliced up in a booby trapped river.

    All this and more on neoliberalism today.

    Seriously if that’s what we have to watch out for sign me up. I back social protections all damn day.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      The erosion of all social programs has occurred under neoliberalism. The reason that things are the way they are is because of neoliberal policies that have been in place for the past 50 years. The reason that school lunch is as weak as it is is because of neoliberalism’s successful war against the New Deal and its destruction of American social democracy.

      In case you legitimately don’t know what the term neoliberalism means, which you may not because the United States’ propaganda has grossly distorted the meaning of the word “liberal”:

      "Neoliberalism is an economic and political ideology that emphasizes the value of free market capitalism, minimal state intervention in the economy, and the importance of individual entrepreneurial freedoms. Central to neoliberalism is the belief that open markets, free trade, and the unrestricted flow of capital are the best means to achieve economic growth and societal prosperity.

      Historically, neoliberalism gained prominence in the late 20th century, particularly under the leadership of figures like Margaret Thatcher in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the US. This period marked a significant shift from Keynesian economics, which advocated for stronger government intervention in the economy, to a model favoring deregulation, privatization of state-owned enterprises, and a reduced role for government in social welfare.

      The impact of neoliberalism has been global, influencing economic policies across various countries. It led to the liberalization of international trade and finance, the proliferation of free trade agreements, and the globalization of economic activities. However, it has also been critiqued for increasing income inequality, contributing to social disparities, and exacerbating environmental degradation due to its focus on economic growth and efficiency over social and ecological concerns."

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          Its not semantics to name and recognize the ideology and platform of the Western ruling class for the past 50 years

          • Flying Squid
            68 months ago

            Okay, but when Americans say ‘liberal,’ that’s not what they’re talking about and I’m sure you know that. So yes, it is semantics.

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              When they say “neoliberal” that’s precisely what is meant.

              And why is it that the United States would have a different meaning of the word “liberal” compared to the rest of the Anglosphere/The West?

              Who benefits from that conflation of terms? And, more importantly, who is harmed?

              • Flying Squid
                58 months ago

                And why is it that the United States would have a different meaning of the word “liberal” compared to the rest of the Anglosphere/The West?

                For the same reason that most of the rest of the people in the rest of the English-speaking world say ‘biscuit’ and they say cookie in the U.S. Believe it or not, things mean different things in different countries. Also, believe it or not, you do not to get to dictate what those things mean.

                • @[email protected]
                  18 months ago

                  Also, believe it or not, you do not to get to dictate what those things mean.

                  No, but the ruling class does. And they benefit from the public not perceiving what they have done to our public good.

                  FDR is dead and Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan killed him in the name of economic growth

                  • Flying Squid
                    38 months ago

                    Which members of “the ruling class” dictated what it meant, when did they dictate it and how did they achieve it?

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        If you think Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher supported any form of liberalism you are seriously, seriously out of touch with reality. I don’t know if you lived through those times or not, but I did and there was not a shred of liberalism anywhere near the vicinity of those two individuals.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher are the poster children of neoliberalism.

          Neoliberalism is an economic and political ideology that emerged in the latter half of the 20th century. It advocates for free-market capitalism with minimal state intervention. Key tenets of neoliberalism include deregulation of industries, privatization of state-owned enterprises, reduction of government spending, particularly on social welfare, and the promotion of free trade.

          Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher, although nominally politically conservatives, implemented policies that strongly align with neoliberalism:

          1. Market Liberalization: Both Reagan and Thatcher aggressively pursued market liberalization policies. They reduced government regulation in several key industries, believing that an unregulated market would be more efficient and beneficial for economic growth.

          2. Privatization: Thatcher’s government notably privatized several state-owned enterprises in the UK, including British Telecom and British Gas. Similarly, Reagan’s administration promoted privatization in various sectors, shifting responsibilities from the government to private entities.

          3. Tax Policy: Both leaders implemented significant tax reforms, reducing the tax burden, especially for businesses and higher-income individuals. This approach reflects a neoliberal belief in stimulating investment and economic growth through lower taxes.

          4. Reduction in Social Welfare Spending: Both Thatcher and Reagan cut government spending on social welfare programs. This aligns with the neoliberal view that too much state provision can stifle individual initiative and market efficiency.

          In the context of economic and political ideologies, “liberalism” can have different meanings. In the classical sense, it refers to a philosophy emphasizing individual freedoms, limited government, and free markets. This classical liberalism aligns with some aspects of neoliberalism, such as the emphasis on free markets. However, in modern American political discourse, “liberal” often denotes a preference for more government intervention in the economy, social welfare, and progressive social policies, which is somewhat at odds with both classical liberalism and neoliberalism.

          Therefore, while Reagan and Thatcher were politically conservative, their economic policies were liberal in the classical sense and distinctly neoliberal. They emphasized free-market capitalism and reduced government intervention, aligning with the core principles of neoliberalism.

          • @[email protected]
            28 months ago

            Unfortunately, us Americans have permanently conflated “liberal” to mean “democrat”. It was part of a targeted effort to drag the Overton Window further to the right.

            Most Americans just think a “progressive” is someone who buys that brand of insurance.