I was just reading a discussion on another community where the OP was complaining about a lack of NSFW content being readily available. It was really demoralizing to see him bemoaning the fact that the female/femme members of the fediverse don’t seem to be lining up to disrobe for his amusement. It’s just frustrating to see the same old boys’/men’s club atmosphere be nearly as prevalent here as it was on reddit. I had been hoping for improvement in that regard when I moved over here last month.

  • @[email protected]OP
    -11 year ago

    That’s the problem though. I wasn’t expecting to see things like that around here. I expected that people on Lemmy would be more open-minded, empathetic, and egalitarian.

    • ProdigalFrog
      1 year ago

      Considering you likely came here from reddit (as I did), it only makes sense that some of the people you didn’t like on reddit would come here as well. It’s the best reddit alternative on the web, and the exodus was not exclusive to empathetic egalitarian people. The only difference is that here, you can find instances that will likely defederate with the toxic parts of the fediverse, like how Lemmy.world defederated from the ExplodingHeads community.

      Saying that, I personally think the lemmy community to be far more thoughtful and engaging compared to reddit, at least in the servers I’ve browsed. I can’t imagine how you feel its just as rampantly misogynistic as reddit, as I’ve found that most instances are pretty left leaning, which tends to quell the things you mention.

      • @[email protected]OP
        1 year ago

        Reflecting on it, I may have been over-reactive to the more blatant examples I’ve seen in the past few days, in part because it popped up in a less-than-expected way. On Reddit I curated my subscriptions pretty carefully and knew going into it to expect such things in the larger forums, and I’m still adding and pruning communities here as I get a better feel for the different communities and instances.

        • @[email protected]
          -201 year ago

          You may have overreact, but not enough for some self reflection right? You would rather continue to pushing a gender war narrative with perceived slights, fabricated outrage and straight up nonsense.

          Omg a guy was asking about porn on the internet. The patriarchy is coming for us. Run!!! 🙄

          • Hangry
            131 year ago

            OP admitted that having this discussion changed their mind, which is quite mature in all fairness. Shouldn’t we encourage this openness? And why are you so bitter?

            • @[email protected]
              41 year ago

              Perhaps you are right. My experience makes me suspect otherwise but I will take it on face value and offer my apologie for coming across as bitter.

              • ProdigalFrog
                51 year ago

                Your response is genuinely so wonderful to see (I’m not the person you responded to btw).

                This sort of respectful discourse was so incredibly rare on reddit, but seems so much more common here. It really makes being in this community so much more rewarding and pleasant. I hope it stays like this for a while.

                Cheers man ✌️