I was just reading a discussion on another community where the OP was complaining about a lack of NSFW content being readily available. It was really demoralizing to see him bemoaning the fact that the female/femme members of the fediverse don’t seem to be lining up to disrobe for his amusement. It’s just frustrating to see the same old boys’/men’s club atmosphere be nearly as prevalent here as it was on reddit. I had been hoping for improvement in that regard when I moved over here last month.

  • Boz (he/him)
    1 year ago

    I wasn’t before, but I am now. (This is the first time I have seen it, since I prune my subscriptions like my life depends on it). I suppose it’s inevitable that an online space is going to have assholes, especially once it reaches a certain size, but it’s always disappointing when they show up.