• @[email protected]
    255 months ago

    In my experience Europeans fall into two drug taking categories, either they’ve never taken any or have done more drugs than any American that wasn’t a professional musician in 60s-70s or a professional wrestler in any era could survive

    • @ChillDude69OP
      5 months ago

      That’s been my experience, too, actually. There are also some poor souls who just chug along, sadly smoking the cardboard-tier weed that they get, over there.

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        Last time i was in the UK I met a girl that was so excited to smoke me out, she rolled and handed me a spliff and was shocked I wasn’t out of control stoned. I didn’t have the heart to tell her she was smoking straight dirt

        • @ChillDude69OP
          45 months ago

          Be honest, though: the spliff itself was rolled like a work of art, right? They dress that weak-ass weed up with some advanced rolling tezniques, across the pond.

            • @ChillDude69OP
              45 months ago

              Yup. I knew an Irish dude and his girlfriend who would do exactly the type of shit you’re talking about. He looked like an 18th Century romantic-era poet, too, which made it even more surreal to watch this motherfucker taking 22 minutes, painstakingly rolling up the tightest, most perfectly crafted spliff in the history of smoke.

              • @[email protected]
                35 months ago

                If any of the friends I made over there ever come visit this side of the pond I’m gonna fuck their whole world up

                • @ChillDude69OP
                  55 months ago

                  Oh yeah. I mean, can you even imagine what some of these blast-your-face-inside-out edibles will do to them?

                  Then they’ll go back over there, calling the weed cookies they had “weed biscuits.” Which is just cute, in and of itself.

                  • @[email protected]
                    45 months ago

                    It isn’t often we get a cultural win over them so I always revel in it, being from the south I deeply want to give my welsh drinking buddy some moonshine

                  • @[email protected]
                    25 months ago

                    UK is a bad example though, it’s basically an island that has an issue getting decent weed… decent anything really, they’re consuming a ton of crappy coke, too. Horrible quality doesn’t stop them though.

                    Other places do much better.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          Honestly it’s mixed.

          I’ve been to Amsterdam a few times and california/colarado a couple times as well, so I think I have a good grasp on what good weed is like. And yeah a lot of weed in the UK is piss poor (which is why traditionally we would smoke hash) but if you know where to get it, you can find some one of the best week anywhere on earth. Easily the best, frostiest weed I have ever smoked has been locally grown UK stuff. That was grown by a freind of a freind you crossbreed discobiscuit with some strains he got from dam.

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        That sounds like you experienced organised crime’s commercial grade PGR weed. A real pity. Analogous to the wine industry our bud runs the entire gamut from bunk to top-tier here in Europe. Some of us do alright. Don’t you worry. (Source: over thirty years enjoyment of the world’s recreational wonders)