President Biden vowed on Monday to veto a House Republican bill that would provide $17.6 billion in aid to Israel, calling it a “cynical political maneuver” intended to hurt the chances of passage for broader legislation that would provide money for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan and the U.S. border.

House Republicans fiercely oppose the larger bill, which was unveiled by a small, bipartisan group of senators over the weekend. It calls for $118.3 billion in spending and would overhaul some of the nation’s immigration laws to deal with recent surges of migrants at the southern border.


  • @[email protected]
    128 months ago

    The conservatives have been trotting out the “southern border crisis” red herring for so long that The Democrats were the first party to do it in the US. They keep doing it because it works. Those of us that live next to the border, like I do, can tell everyone back east that there’s no problem, but if one racist asshole starts yelling, there’s a whole bunch of racist assholes that live 2000 miles away that get scared and riled up.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      The real problem is your deranged government officials bussing them all over the god damn US. Not that we can control your idiots but our idiots need to respond in kind. That is recieving them. Providing humane care and shelter. Then funding legal representation to sue the shit out of the people who sent them there.

      Using human lives as a political hot potato is fucking despicable.

      • @[email protected]
        98 months ago

        I live in California. Our government is receiving busses from everywhere.

        I agree that Greg Abbot should be arrested on human trafficking charges.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          Sucks that it is happening. The second we put those people on a bus America has an obligation to them as the people who have purposefully done them harm. They aren’t just migrants anymore they are victims.

        • @[email protected]
          48 months ago

          Yeah and California already has a border with Mexico, so it’s not like “sharing the burden” is a legitimate argument. Texas just wants to stick its thumb in California’s eye.

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            Oh Texas hasn’t sent undocumented immigrants to us. They’ve sent US citizens, that are experiencing homelessness.

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              Ah, because Texas, where housing is supposedly cheap, doesn’t have enough housing for everyone? Texas, where the taxes are low and there aren’t adequate public services, can’t provide for their own homeless population? Texas, where teen girls are forced into childbirth, can’t offer support the underprivileged children produced by this policy?

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                Oh, believe me, I have no love for Texas. I just didn’t want to accidentally spread misinformation

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Yes, using human lives as a political hot potato is despicable. However, the policy it implies (sharing the burden of caring for immigrants) is actually quite reasonable, and already policy in places like Germany.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      what conservatives are upset about is often legal migrants and sometimes tourists. Its more transparent when cons talk about black people as “black culture”. They say its the “illegals” they’re worried about, but I doubt any rich republican employs less than 6 “Illegals” because I haven’t met a rich person that paid a fair wage. Its always been unserious.