Years ago I worked at an electronics store and have seen some very interesting products over the years with some being very useful.

Not sure how to do a poll on here but wanted to see how people matched on the ownership of some of these useful devices .

Have you ever owned a My (answers)

-PDA? Yes, I had a Palm IIIe

-DVD-Recorder? Yes. Successor to VCR sure didn’t last long… 😖

-WebTV? No. Interactive TV in the days of dial-up. 🙂

-3D Television? No

-Raspberry PI? No but I want to.

-Internet Radio Player? No This would be fun especially if it also had am/FM tuner

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    I loved my Tivo… could never get anyone at the time to understand the concept of recording without tapes. But it could have succeeded.

    Then Tivo decided to force push a recording at peak time of an absolute garbage comedy program… and as these things only had a single tuner, hilarity ensued. The tabloids loved it. Tivo left the UK shortly afterwards.

    VM licensed the tech many years later but it wasn’t the same… gone was the hackable powerpc board running luascript, replaced by a fully locked down vendor specific cable box.

    • @norske
      11 year ago

      A buddy of mine was so proud that he had the entirety of The Simpsons on his TiVo (at the time). He was soooooo pissed when lightning hit a utility pole and fried a bunch of his electronics. The tivo was wrecked.