I feel like the “there are dozens of us! Dozens!” meme when I’m like I didn’t think Skyrim was very good. The story was mostly thin, the combat wasn’t great, the systems were shallower than the previous games, the leveling wasn’t great (the scaling was better than oblivion but that’s a lot bar).
I played it a lot but a lot of that was trying to get it into something I liked via mods.
Edit: I think Skyrim also has a certain meme status, where people who don’t play a lot of games play it. That’s a very loose measurement of quality.
People are still playing skyrim
Not every game can be Skyrim and setting the bar that high is ridiculous
Skyrim was pretty bad. I’d say it’s a pretty low bar. They did get the overall atmosphere right though.
Regardless of your personal preferences, I don’t think it’s reasonable to call Skyrim’s longevity and continued active user base a low bar
I think it’s reasonable. Skyrim is boring as hell Vanilla, but mods make it great. The devs shouldn’t get credit for modders.
I feel like the “there are dozens of us! Dozens!” meme when I’m like I didn’t think Skyrim was very good. The story was mostly thin, the combat wasn’t great, the systems were shallower than the previous games, the leveling wasn’t great (the scaling was better than oblivion but that’s a lot bar).
I played it a lot but a lot of that was trying to get it into something I liked via mods.
Edit: I think Skyrim also has a certain meme status, where people who don’t play a lot of games play it. That’s a very loose measurement of quality.
The whole point of Skyrim is modding the shit out of it. Not actually playing it.
Bethesda set the bar. It’s their job to raise it with future releases.
^if the power-creep problem were a person