• @[email protected]
    58 months ago

    Tell us “something” we got. Everything continues to get worse under Biden. Just more slowly.

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      Until Trump the whole country had been getting steadily more progressive. We went from a Democrat signing an order to kick gays out of the military to legal gay marriage nationwide in just 20 years.

      We were slowly getting better, and the GOP was fuming over it. When Obama won in 2008 despite the GOP putting up their most centrist, electable candidate in generations, they abandoned Democracy entirely and started burning everything down.

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Occupy was under Obama. DAPL was under Obama. Prism was under Obama.

        Obama did some good things, but he presided over the largest transfer of wealth to the rich in history. That was him. He facilitated the police crackdown on occupy. He facilitated the police attack on the Standing Rock tribe to push through the pipeline that ultimately poisoned their water. The NSA was caught actively spying on American citizens under Obama.

        Republicans have been burning everything down since the 70’s. That’s not a new thing. Nixon carried out a coup and started the drug war specifically as a cover for political violence against his opponents, and people in his cabinet have literally admitted as much. Every fire Republicans have started, Democrats have tended.

        Obama was probably the best president the US could elect, and the best he could do was pave the way for Trump. The problem is America. Republicans have been fascists for a long time, but Democrats have been paving their way and enabling them the whole time. The system is broken beyond repair. The best you can do with voting is delay the collapse. You have to organize outside of the system if you want to survive.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        Since before Clinton housing, education and healthcare has gotten more expensive while wages have stagnated. The wealth gap has been expanding for years.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      I’m sure that has nothing to do with the fact the republicans are doing everything they fucking can to hurt democracy and Biden so they can say we told you so… THE problem is the republicans that refuse to do their fucking job and represent the people of this country. Cancun cruz? That fucking zombie from Kentucky??? The dipshit in florida??? Gym fucking Jordan??? It’s embarrassing.