• Norgur
    11 year ago

    I’ve been told that that’s how the kids roll these days in the US.

      • Norgur
        11 year ago

        Well, if you don’t know that, it means that either, you are not a US citizen, which we ruled out, ooooor… oooh, I hate to break it to you but… you have lost touch with “the youngsters” as they say. You are old.

          • Norgur
            11 year ago

            What tone? I was pulling your leg a little, as in “haha u old”, no sarcasm intended.

            Regarding the sources: I just did a quick google and here is the most trustworthy source of business insider: https://www.businessinsider.com/gen-z-iphone-ownership-creates-culture-of-multitasking-2019-6

            that aside, one of the connections I have to the US has kids and her kids actually experienced some isolation because the kids only had “cheap android” and thus couldn’t use iMessages which was what all the other kids pointedly used because teenagers are suckers for made up common identity bullshit. It was that one specific brand of baggies when I was young, now iit seems to be iPhones in some places.