• metaStatic
      437 months ago

      Before the move to Spoopify it was legitimately one of the best podcasts. Rogan has always been a moron and the juxtaposition of that against actual smart guests was so much fun. Then professionally offended fuckwits decided his opinion was worth … anything … and it all went downhill from there.

      • @[email protected]
        597 months ago

        I never regarded him as very smart but he did have interesting guests and good banter, typically. A while before the Spotify buy I thought the quality worsened a lot and he would keep letting his politics shine through too much.

        I liked when Bill Burr said he (Joe) couldn’t rollerskate because his knuckles would drag on the ground in regards to Joe speculating on Covid without any real qualifications.

        • @[email protected]
          57 months ago

          Yup. I used to watch on YouTube occasionally when he had someone interesting, and occasionally Rogan would ask an interesting question.

          But I’ve never valued his opinion much. Why would I? He’s an ex-MMA fighter with a microphone, he’s unlikely to have a unique perspective vs the hordes of people with actual credentials online. I’m not saying being an MMA fighter is bad, just saying it doesn’t qualify you on any topic other than MMA.

          • @[email protected]
            87 months ago

            He was never really an MMA fighter. He may have done some low-level amateur fights or whatever, but his background is comedian and actor. Newsradio… one of the best sitcoms ever, though not because of Rogan (he was just an everyman kind of character) but because of Phil Hartman.

            He’s just a big fan of MMA. Though he probably has been punched in the head a fair amount in amateur fights.

            • @[email protected]
              27 months ago

              Interesting, I never bothered reading up on his background. Being a comedian is far more relevant since humor is often based on current events.

      • @[email protected]
        137 months ago

        If you want to run your fingers through liquid shit trying to find the scattered diamonds, I’m not gonna stop you - but is it really worth it?

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          As a Megadeth fan it was surprisingly good. I’m not a regular viewer. Joe isn’t smart but I think he can be a good interviewer

          • @[email protected]
            77 months ago

            He establishes a good rapport with guests. But sometimes he uses that to lull people into agreeing with some of his fucked up shit.

            He asked Coffeezilla (guy who does journalism about online scams) about trans rights. Coffeezilla rightly responded something like “I don’t know this isn’t something I’m an expert in.” The look on Rogan’s face was like, Eh I guess I didn’t get you on that one.

            And it’s weird how he tries to create controversy. He’s already the #1 podcaster, why is he doing these underhanded tricks to stir up controversy to gain notoriety?

            It was a better show when he was just a dumb guy talking to smart people. That was a lot of fun. Don’t know why he didn’t just stick with that.

            • @[email protected]
              17 months ago

              I agree with you. That’s why the majority of episodes are unwatchable the last few years. I still click though when he has an especially interesting guest, the Dave one is probably the best interview with him of all time

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        This reeks of “Yeah, Twitter sucks, but I’m not deleting my account because “rEaSoNs.