• Iapar
        44 months ago

        Didn’t read the books and can’t remember much of the movie but one thing.

        The way the zombies moved as a fluid.

        That was the best depiction of horde behavior I have seen. The thought that they climb over obstacles by climbing over each other was brilliant and scary.

      • @[email protected]
        34 months ago

        I only read the book afterwards. Leaving the theater I thought, “Wow, what a shit zombie movie, what’s with the zombie tower. Anyways I want ice cream.”

        After reading the book I thought, “Wow, this makes the movie seem even worse than I thought, adapting this would’ve been way better. They didn’t even follow the same in-universe rules!”

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          I thought it was a fantastic zombie movie! I just need to make sure to not read the book now. lol

          • @[email protected]
            24 months ago

            Nah, the book is great, definitely one the best zombie fictions out there. It even spawned a pretty great fan fiction that addressed one of the hanging plot threads.

            I didn’t buy everything from it but it’s best to just consider them as separate properties and judge them on their own merits.