• @[email protected]
    307 months ago

    I had a classmate that would tell me over and over how precisely the pyramids aligned with a set of stars at the time they were built, how we needed lasers to measure the imprecision, how we couldn’t do the same thing today.

    Eventually I found out that the imprecision was… a little over a foot, roughly 35 centimeters. That’s the insane precision, the refined craftsmanship we can’t produce today, getting the walls of a place within a foot of where we meant to put them.

    Everyone that says this is either blindly repeating a thing they heard once, or has never seen a skyscraper, or a shopping mall, or the average parking lot outside a Walmart with that one area where all the rain water stays a few extra days, because it’s 6 inches lower than the rest. THAT PARKING LOT IS STILL MORE PRECISE THAN THE PYRAMIDS, BRIAN.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      You’ve forgotten that the sun rotates around the Milky Way the same way the Earth rotates around the sun. So the stars aren’t in the same place as they were thousands of years ago. Was this 1 foot off the ancient discrepancy or is that today?

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        It was off by a foot at the time they were built. They’re substantially more inconsistent with the stars now. I thought that was clear in my comment, sorry for the confusion.