A state senator said during a public forum in Tahlequah that LGBTQ+ people are “filth,” and that he and his constituents don’t want them in “our state.”

  • @[email protected]
    24 months ago

    What the fuck are you talking about? I don’t “want violence” I “wanted” examples of the type of thing I’m surprised isn’t happening. Fucking Lemmy. I’m not looking for an instrument

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago


        For the last time you dullard: I was only pointing out it’s historically interesting that this particularly poorly treated group is so well behaved. The TYPE of well behaved I was referring to was not a riot. That’s it. You walked in here with a bunch of baggage, made assumptions, and wrote a bunch of crap. I’m not looking for anyone to do anything, only observing it’s fucking remarkable no one has.

        You are incapable of consuming an observation without injecting a value into it. Grow up.

        Here’s my original, if you forgot:

        "Blows my mind that there aren’t violent LGBT folks out there. I’m not advocating violence, but I’m impressed with the self control. " tell me, which word is me calling for violence? Which word is me wanting anyone to do something for me cause I’m a “pussy”?

        • Pup Biru
          24 months ago

          by saying “blows my mind” you’re saying that you think it should be the opposite: you’d expect it to be normal that LGBTQIA+ community would be violent. that expectation is a call, of sorts… like “wouldn’t surprise me if someone beat X”, you’re kinda giving someone permission

          • @[email protected]
            14 months ago

            Wrong you just made an assumption. You are assuming I think that would be right, when I was merely saying it wouldn’t be unexpected.