• @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        You should apologize for not being able to take criticism(wether good or bad faith), as someone is criticizing your message for a left wing cost, and your super mature response is “Hurr, durr no you’re right wing”. You’re on Lemmy where most of the users are leaning left and the commentar might be as well, but that’s not good enough for you.

        • Flying SquidOP
          37 months ago

          You’re right. What is most needed in a memes community is sober, serious, mature discussion.

    • @[email protected]
      227 months ago

      Heck I would be happy with even so much as “left of center” which we don’t really have in the United States. Biden is right of center. Bernie sanders for example is only slightly left of center.

      • Cowbee [he/him]
        107 months ago

        I’d argue Bernie is slightly right of center, even. He isn’t advocating for Socialization of the economy, just an expansion of the safety nets.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          Nah man. Left of center is not that at all. United States citizens are pretty left wing when it comes to policy when you take away language of dems and cons.

          Left of center basically means any candidate where the democrats are saying, yea but if you vote for the other guy it will be ten times worse. So, Biden and every democrat candidate for 40 years

          I edited to say left not right lol

              • Cowbee [he/him]
                37 months ago

                The center would be a 50/50 mix of Worker owned industry and Capitalist owned industry, like a form of extremely socialized Social Democracy. To the left of that, you have a majority Socialist economy, to the right of that you have a majority Capitalist economy.

                Simple as.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      Have you ever seen far left in your life? What you call far left barely gets center-right in sane countries, usually it’s called just right there.

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        Well but why the holier than thou attitude in this thread against everything non far left? I live in moderately right wing country in EU, and every basic need is met. Not everybody lives in the US

          • @[email protected]
            27 months ago

            I can agree to that. The USA is in shambles right now and I agree that pure capitalism greed is ruining it. Nontheless, like in Reddit, everything in here seems to be about the US, even when this is supposed to be an international community. Not my fault that I live in a civilized country

      • RedFox
        17 months ago

        OMG, with this being the millionth your version of left/right isn’t mine, can we pick a new scale?

        There has got to be a better way to frame ideology that’s more consistent or universal.

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          There has got to be a better way to frame ideology that’s more consistent or universal.

          Agreed. When it was monarchism/anti-monarchism it made sense. Now not so much.

    • @leftzero
      47 months ago

      How in fuck’s name is wanting to get everyone’s basic needs met supposed to be far left…!?

      Are basic human decency and common sense far left now too…?

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        I agree with you. The post itself implies that the far left is the only one that cares about that.

        The problem is that commies think immediately I am a right wing supporter from the US, and won’t consider anything else.

        • @leftzero
          17 months ago

          If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck…

      • @[email protected]
        117 months ago

        I can answer your question. Having a disability is frustrating because meaningful discussion of disability issues is, in part, hampered by people who use disability as a joke. Often these jokes come from people who are ostensibly progressive (or at the very least, attacking those who aren’t progressive).

        So yeah, I rather would like you to make more efforts to accept disabled people like me on social media, starting with not making jokes like these.

      • @[email protected]
        87 months ago

        Are you saying disabled people are naturally anti leftist, are you making fun of this person by accusing them of having a disability.

        This is a legit disgusting comment and you should delete it.

        • dream_weasel
          57 months ago


          I’m not deleting something I post unless it breaks the rules. I’ll take the downvotes and if you think it’s disgusting there’s your method.

          • @[email protected]
            57 months ago

            Being gross for the sake of being gross huh! I’m telling you to delete it cause it’s a super shitty thing to imply about disabled people either way. Empathy not your strong suite tho, understood!

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          You have understood literally nothing, both about what he has said and about what you have said, and you really ought to be ashamed of yourself, and no doubt already are. Figure out how to grow up and you will feel better. Your comment is the disgusting one, not his, flying in here with your pet agenda and trying to insert it into a different conversation… cheap internet bully shit from a trauma victim. Get your act together man, you don’t need to be this guy.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            Did chat gpt write this?

            Omfg I love when people harping about bullying also hella bully! Hella bully, fucking hypocrite.

      • Flying SquidOP
        7 months ago

        You know… I didn’t particularly like what the person above said to me… but I also live with a disability and what you said is far more insulting even though it wasn’t directed at me personally.

        I would also suggest that mocking disability is a right-wing position. Accepting people for who they can’t help but be is what is ethical.

        You can change your political beliefs. That’s on you. You can’t regrow a leg or make seizures that medication won’t help with magically disappear.

        • dream_weasel
          17 months ago

          Sorry you feel that way. I live with chronic pain myself and it’s not a lot of fun. That being said…

          I don’t know why insinuating that a person might be disabled and wanting of more consideration is offensive. I didn’t suggest he’s missing an arm or a leg or give some ableist writeoff, I said instead that maybe acceptance is what he is looking for and that would not come from the far right.

          Sure, it’s mincing words and it’s a hedge, but I don’t think I’m going to apologize for pushing people’s buttons: they go low we go high is BS because the only people who benefit from that arrangement are the bystanders. They go low, I’m gonna be waiting to kick in the teeth. Everyone playing the disgust and downvote is on the team watching out for people already. Thank you. I am going to walk in shit to piss people off: you’re not going to change someones mind by giving downvotes and “being best” (lol yeah right).

          I said a dick thing, I accept it, and I hope it pissed that dude off. Then when he goes to try to refute me, he has to read, learn, and consider the situation. One of three things comes of that. He ignores me, and who cares. He thinks and gets mad and doubles down, also who cares, being nice wasnt helping anyway. Or maybe it causes a moment of thinking and clarity that starts discussion.

          I’m not going to be nice so the anonymous internet left gives me a cookie, it’s not their minds that need changed or nuts that need kicked. You be the good guy who posts and is fediverse famous and I’ll be the unknown guy who goes wrestle pigs in the shit and thumps the pigeon playing chess (to borrow some expressions).

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            Naw, you just look like an asshole and it damages your overall argument to other people who aren’t assholes.

            You can be a gadfly without being a piece of shit or a pedant, or a triple downing douchebag. Again this is all a reflection on you, not on the people your bad insults aren’t landing on.

            • dream_weasel
              17 months ago

              Well seeing as how it seems like you’re an asshole too, I could kinda give a shit about what you think. Apparently you have to be heard in every thread on this post though and I wouldn’t deny you replies. Go outside lol.

                • dream_weasel
                  17 months ago

                  Can’t take silly seriously obviously. Can you at least entertain me and any brave readers if we are gonna keep going? I’m not going anywhere.

        • dream_weasel
          37 months ago

          Man I do what I can. Patrolling Lemmy is a thankless job. Even more thankless than reddit. But, hey, it’s gotta be done.