• @[email protected]
    14 months ago

    Have you considered that you may not realize they are racist because you’re at work, and/or are white as well? I’ve known many conservatives that I didn’t think were racist until I found out later.

    You truly don’t know any conservative that posted #AllLivesMatter?

    • RedFox
      4 months ago

      Maybe everyone has different opinions on what racism is?

      The dictionaries definition of racism centers around a belief or ideology that one’s race is somehow superior or better than another.

      I have high confidence that the particular people I’m asserting would consider themselves middle of the road politically do not in any way believe that their race is somehow superior or better than another. They don’t believe they’re better than African, Latin, Asian, etc, as do I.

      I work with a couple of trumpers. Father forgive them for they know not what they do. 😉

      From what I can tell, it seems you’re mostly conveying a guilty by association assertion? I think you’re saying if someone votes American republican, because some American publicans are shitty or have racist tendencies, than anyone that votes for them is equally guilty of such.

      Wouldn’t this ideology equally apply to biden? Because biden’s administration has supported the war that people claim genocide, does anyone who votes for an American Democrat also comparable for genocide? So how should we vote in that scenario? One is a racist, one supports genocide?

      • @[email protected]
        14 months ago

        Voting for racists makes you racist, yes. Republican politics are anti-minority, whether thay be sex, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, or otherwise.

        It’s really that simple.

        • RedFox
          14 months ago

          Again, what should Americans do?

          Then vote for administration supporting genocide?

          I brought this up because the conversation was taking about absolutes. I would think then voting for genocide supporters makes you a genocide supporter, right?