I currently have a Literotica account, but posting a story there is a bit of a wait for 2024. Plus, it also feels a bit like it’s held together with paste. Do you have any favorite fiction hosting websites, or do you self-host?

I would love to self host, but I get a little annoyed by current blog and content management software.

  • Kyle
    14 months ago

    What is that you feel is missing in the self hosted space?

    • @nerdydaddyOP
      24 months ago

      Technology is my day job, and I have a lot of experience with CMSs. I don’t want to spend my free time managing a server to run just one application, so I’m sticking to PHP (I have a few things I run already on it). However, the options in that space are not the best. WordPress and Drupal are just a nightmare of plugins with archaic template concepts. There are more modern options like Craft, but I’ve been through a few major version upgrades on Craft. Having to damn near rebuild the site each time is too much headache.

      I’m currently almost leaning towards Grav, but I have mixed feelings about their documentation. It has a lot, but feels a bit sparse on some topics.

      • Kyle
        44 months ago

        A static site generator + GitHub pages sounds like something you might like. They’ll let you run any static site for free (I think) and it’s fully automated.

        • @nerdydaddyOP
          24 months ago

          Honestly, that’s probably the best way to go. I’ve been meaning to try out a few of those.

          • Kyle
            34 months ago

            You could even write all of your HTML by hand if you’re that kind of old school cool :)

            • @nerdydaddyOP
              24 months ago

              Oh, I’ll definitely be writing the templates by hand. I have a preference for hand written CSS.

          • Kyle
            14 months ago

            Actually I just checked ToS and they don’t allow erotica :/

            There are lots of low effort ways to host static sites these days though. CDN in front of an S3 bucket, a billion PaaS offerings, etc.

            • @nerdydaddyOP
              34 months ago

              It’s fine. I have a web server. I just didn’t want to run a separate server just to run Ghost on Node.