• @[email protected]
    257 months ago

    Ya, Trump bad and all, but maybe it’s Biden who should do more to get the anti-genocide vote. Isn’t getting votes part of his job?

    • @[email protected]
      237 months ago

      No, the president gets our votes automatically because he’s got the job already and can beat the mean fascist man without tying! All we have to do is verbally abuse anyone criticizing Biden and we’ll surely have him as president again and there’ll be no problems come 2028 or anything!

      • @[email protected]
        167 months ago

        there’ll be no problems come 2028 or anything!

        Downvote them all you want, it’s a very poignant point that’s left at the wayside of defeating Trump right now. Joe wins in ‘24? The threat of a second Trump presidency is deferred, but he has fundamentally transformed American politics regardless

        • @[email protected]
          77 months ago

          “Deferred” like he’s likely to be back in 2028. Extremely unlikely he will be eligible by then, and even more unlikely he’ll even be able to mentally/physically fit enough to campaign. He’s already falling to pieces.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            So? He’s the alt-right iconoclast currently yes, but the undercurrent was there in the McCain-Obama race, and Trump demonstrated the easy mode to power of populism to the RNC. Look at the current House shitgibbons, and how most of them have survived reelection, look at who just stepped down at the RNC to make way for a groomed successor.

            Trump going to jail, being disqualified, or succumbing to himself wouldn’t unopen that box.

            • @[email protected]
              57 months ago

              Yes, others will claw over each other to try to be the next idol. It doesn’t mean anyone will succeed.

              There is no 100% win on the table here. Absolutists like you need to accept that sometimes, you just need to take the win you can get, and work towards incremental improvement for the next time.

              And no, communist revolution won’t solve anything, nor is it even remotely possible.

              • @[email protected]
                107 months ago

                Who mentioned communist revolution? Quit building strawmen, tf

                You’re delusional if you think Trump is an aberration. He isn’t a hive mind leader, but he has shown the right how coded and open fascist language can be used by a demagogue to gain and wield power. That message has been well and roundly received on the right, where realpolitik never died.

                I’m no absolutist, but the moderate left needs to stop pretending they care about progressive votes when the party’s selection process is entirely performative. Are we a coalition of unity, or subservient fringe? If I don’t matter enough to have a say, why do I matter enough to be bullied into compliance?

                • @[email protected]
                  7 months ago

                  I mention the communist revolution thing because your points echo a lot of tankies here.

                  Vote progressive all you want. Volunteer for their campaigns. I’m all for it, as long as you’re not giving the populists/fascists ammo (Ex: attack ads). But if you don’t fall in line and vote blue for the presidential election, well, I have zero respect for people who can’t prioritize and vote for the real candidate that they think is obviously better, in this political environment where we’re teetering on the edge of facism.

                  If you vote independent or don’t vote, the only statement you’re making is that you’d rather destroy this country than vote against tyranny vote for someone that isn’t your first choice, but leagues better than the other.

                  Especially since we already got Trump in 2016 because people couldn’t swallow their distaste and vote for Hilary.

                  • @[email protected]
                    7 months ago

                    Especially since we already got Trump in 2016 because people couldn’t swallow their distaste and vote for Hilary.

                    Ah. There it is. Those other people who didn’t vote for my team after we faked a primary are bad. Not my party who forced on the electorate an Nth generation political insider, who was broadly unappealing, had a problematic history, and a hawkish foreign policy track record.

                    The refusal to accept responsibility for the 2016 election is why we’re having this conversation, again. People saw the naked corruption in the primaries, and got disenchanted. Not because ‘my guy didn’t win the primary and I’m butthurt’, but because the DNC cheated. Openly. Admitted as much in court when sued about it.

                    But then everyone is supposed to “fall in line” behind an unrepresentative candidate the central committee has chosen, right? And you’re calling other people tankies???

                  • @[email protected]
                    57 months ago

                    I have zero respect for people who

                    Why should anyone care about being respected by you of all people?

              • @[email protected]
                17 months ago

                There is no 100% win on the table here

                That’s funny because when I look at Biden he looks like the perfect moderate candidate to me. Seems to me they got 100% of what they wanted.

          • @[email protected]
            27 months ago

            And the establishment Democrats will intentionally elevate someone just as crazy or worse than Trump.

          • @[email protected]
            27 months ago

            This would be even better for the fascist regime than if he were healthy and vibrant. Caption some pictures of him saying he approves their message, trot him out for an occasional appearance at a big yearly event, and then they are free to do whatever they want with his “blessing.” They need Trump as a galvanizing symbol, nothing more.

        • @[email protected]
          27 months ago

          Yep. Everyone who says this conversation isn’t appropriate right now conveniently ignores the fact that they’ve refused to have these kinds of conversations for the past four years.

          1. Biden needs to stop sending weapons to Israel.
          2. Biden needs to promise to veto any attempts to block a rail strike in his next term.
          3. Biden needs to revert his push for federal workers to return to office.
          4. Biden needs to call off Yellen and Powell on their war against American workers.

          He’s a shit candidate for anybody who isn’t retired or nearing retirement.