Have you notice how the general opinion is that people getting hit by cars somehow deserved it? My best friend was hit by a text-and-drive kindof woman. He was an athlete and now he can’t walk more than a few hundred meters.

  • @[email protected]
    34 months ago

    Another attempt to get rid of private property. No one will say people deserve unfair injuries. They could say that in cases when pedestrians are crossing road against rules, but I don’t approve such speech. Let’s not be blind looking only at some specific cases and say that whole thing is bad, like your own car. It’s just a car, it is not making decisions.

    P.s. there is too much politics

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Cars are, in fact, broadly bad.

      Now thats not to say they should be banned. No, due to the personal freedoms they allow they should be allowed, however: where they can go, who can drive them, and how you can drive them should be much more strictly regulated. If you enjoy driving, and you do it safely you should support regulating vehicles and creation of better transit so that there are fewer cars on the road and more open roads for those of us who enjoy the act of driving.