A.I. Is Making the Sexual Exploitation of Girls Even Worse::Parents, schools and our laws need to catch up to technology, fast.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    If somebody wanted to draw animated kiddie porn they could still do that. How far would you go until you ban crayons

    It’s genuinely impressive how completely you missed my point.

    How about another analogy: US federal law allows people to own individual firearms, but not grenades.

    But they’re both things that kill people, right? Why would they be treated differently?

    Hint: it’s about scale.

    The same is true of pipe bombs. But anyone can make a pipe bomb. Genie is out of the bottle, right? So why are there laws regulating manufacture and ownership of them? Hmm…

    • /home/pineapplelover
      1 year ago

      I guess we kind of agree then. A.i is a pipe bomb for kiddie porn and the genie is out of the bottle. Not much we can do about it. We will still have laws but that won’t stop anything. I already stated that the easy to access a.i services already prevent this from happening and there will be more regulation, though I don’t see what more laws and regulations can bring to the table.