I’ve been trying to make people aware of Lemmy on discord and Mastodon, but it’s always met with resistance citing “the devs are pro authoritarianism tankies.” Kbin seems to be picking up steam because of the developer baggage.

Do you feel like this negative perception will hamstring Lemmy’s growth?

  • sleepisajokeanyway
    1 year ago

    And this is why people hate talking to tankies on the internet, you constantly rely on whataboutism and twisting everyone’s words. I’ve never even said I’m anti-communist ever, literally just said that I don’t support the actions taken by China and Russia when it comes to killing innocent people. I even said in my first comment I’m leftist, it’s fine though, you really should read that Gish Gallop article you linked better.

    • Lenins2ndCat
      1 year ago

      I have done no whataboutism. What are you on about? Can you stick to the fucking topic?

      If you don’t want to engage that’s on you. I told you I’m willing to, one at a time. That way we can get into each topic individually and give it the due care, research and understanding that it needs.

      You are the ones avoiding engagement by demanding a 10,000 character response on every single topic simultaneously, which we all know that you will not read.

      I’ve never even said I’m anti-communist ever

      You don’t need to say it, you display it in all of your actions. What do you do? What orgs are you in? What have you ever contributed to anti-capitalism other than spending all of your time on the internet shitting on every socialist project that has ever existed with absolutely no critical analysis of their rights and wrongs? I’m perfectly willing to get into the wrongs, there have been plenty of wrongs in the strategies of past projects or else we would’ve beaten capitalism already. The issue is that people like yourself tend towards only seeing and talking about wrongs, because you’ve created an identity for yourself around punching left and thusly preventing socialism instead of actually doing anything to construct it.

      • sleepisajokeanyway
        1 year ago

        the other guy is right, insufferable, there’s a reason no one wants to talk to people like you. It’s like Ben Shapiro and a communist manifesto hate fucked and then was given internet access. You really need to brush up on the Gish Gallop article

        • Lenins2ndCat
          1 year ago

          Alright well I tried. You’re the one that’s avoiding learning literally anything at all. Gonna go ahead and block as this is very clearly a waste of time, take care.

          • sleepisajokeanyway
            -91 year ago

            If by try you mean constantly twist words sure. It’s like you didn’t even try to read anything I said then typed “high school debate club edgy communist” into ChatGPT