I once applied for a job where one of the requirements was “minimum 5 to 10 years experience in X”. My friend told me to submit a CV saying I have 3 to 6 years experience in X and see if they shortlist me.

  • Lvxferre [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I’m solely being cooperative. Yes, there’s a reasonable chance that the other poster is lying, and I have no way to know it, and I’m not too eager to assume it (like braindead trash would). Nor I’m willing to assume what whoever wrote OP’s example is trying to convey.

    However, for the sake of the argument, it doesn’t matter.

    So no, contrariwise to what you’re assuming (i.e. making up), I’m not being naive or an ignorant.

    Now, if you want to assume things about other posters, instead of discussing the topic at hand, could you please go be a dead weight elsewhere? Like in Reddit?