• @[email protected]
    374 months ago

    Anywhere AND anyplace? Stable genius. Given his bouts with slurring and dementia I’d like to see him get shredded by Biden.

    • @[email protected]
      54 months ago

      Nobody wants to see 2 old men ramble incoherently at each other. Right now trump is the more cognitively capable of the 2, unfortunately. Though it’s certainly close.

      • @[email protected]
        204 months ago

        No way dude. Biden’s always had the speech thing. Trump has recently gotten even worse than usual. Called his wife Mercedes. Called Biden Obama. Decided to run for president.

      • El Barto
        164 months ago

        Shut the fuck up, Russian Disinformation Agent #3529.

          • @[email protected]
            134 months ago

            If everyone is calling you that here, maybe you should go back to truth social like the good little lap dog you are.

            • @[email protected]
              14 months ago

              If every liberal on the internet calls me a Russian agent when I am not, you think that speaks poorly of me, and not the liberal ideology as a whole? Interesting. Like, when I get that comment, I immediately dismiss the speaker as unintelligent and incurious, because they instantly jump to trying to put me in a box they can ignore, rather than interrogate their own beliefs. Correct beliefs do not need to be shielded from interrogation, they will actually be strengthened by interrogation. In my ideal world, every single person fully understands socialism, because then most people would agree with it and make it happen.

              Calling me a Russian agent is very much shielding oneself from my beliefs. If people actually believed that I was a Russian agent, they’d have to believe that all leftists are. But they don’t actually believe that, liberals just need to dismiss all leftists as being right wing trolls, because otherwise we would challenge their ideology too drastically for them to keep holding onto it. And there’s nothing liberals cling to more desperately than the status quo being acceptable, because liberals fundamentally do not want to change the status quo. So as a result, every single leftist must be dismissed as an individual bad actor, totally disconnected from a larger ideology beyond their desire to destroy democracy.

              I understand why y’all do it, but I beg of you, please stop doing it and simply interrogate your own beliefs instead.

              • @[email protected]
                174 months ago

                If you’re spreading disinformation that benefits Russia, it doesn’t even matter what your ideologies are. You’re still spreading disinformation on behalf of Russia.

                You can paint any moral picture you want, but that’s the bottom line.

                • @[email protected]
                  4 months ago

                  I don’t spread disinformation, I spread information. It just tends to be information that conflicts with the official US propaganda, given how much the US media lies. Who is benefitting from the truth being spread should be completely irrelevant, we spread it because it’s true, not because it makes us look good. If y’all want me to spread more favorable information to America, maybe America should start making the truth be more favorable to them.

                  American liberals call me a Russian agent purely because I spread the truth, and they don’t like the truths I speak. Let that sink in. I’m telling y’all the emperor has no clothes, and y’all call me an agent of the emperor’s enemies.

                  For instance, you ever heard of unit 731 in Japan? Atrocities on par with the Holocaust done to unsuspecting Chinese civilians, and America gave the perpetrators immunity in their version of Nuremberg in order to obtain their biochem research and keep it out of the soviet’s hands.

                  Is this Russian disinformation? I mean it sure makes America look bad, so it must be, right? But it’s also literally true.

                  • El Barto
                    24 months ago

                    Nah, you spread disinformation. Now, go away, you cunt (I say that with love.)