• @[email protected]
    184 months ago

    I was willing to give your argument consideration until this braindead-ass comment. You can fuck right off now. Goddamn boot lickers.

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      Describing a teenage boy as a child is just pushing a narrative to minimize the potential threath by him. Look at the pictures in the article. If someone his age and size charges at you while wielding a weapon then you should be scared for your life. That is not to say shooting is the optimal solution but you better do something and quick.

      • BreakDecks
        104 months ago

        I looked at his picture and I see a child.

        You looked at his picture and you saw his black skin, and that was all you needed to see…

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          I think it’s safe to assume that of us two it’s you whose more interested about the color of his skin

          • wanderingmagus
            34 months ago

            As an active duty member of the US Navy and specifically the submarine forces, people like you make me less and less hesitant to set condition 1SQ for nuclear launch when the time comes.

              • @[email protected]
                34 months ago

                People like you = cops. Murderous arms of the state. The people who the founding fathers warned us about when writing the 2nd ammendment. The people who treat civilians as if they’re worse than Taliban. Who “protect and serve” rich white people while happily shooting at black 15yo “adults” or whatever excuse you want to be a murderer. You resign your humanity when you where a gun and badge, and most of all you relish in the permission to resign your humanity. You execute civilians then go online to argue with people who don’t like murderers like you. I cannot wait till Americans finally get a grip, for the whole planets sake, and start treating cops the way they deserved since the MOVE bombing of 1985, since the Tulsa Massacre, since the Pinkertons invented you cops to protect white people from black people. You stand against everything America is supposed to represent, and stand against everything humanity, peace, love, wisdom, and compassion is supposed to represent. I bet you beat your wife too, because statistically ya’ll are also domestic abusers who hit women, no wonder you’re so afraid of prison because you’ll be KOS and rightfully so. “20 a day” should be for cops, not our servicemen, but cops like you are PROUD of your tyranny.