O’Brien is a “chief,” Jonas and Cutler hold the rank of “Crewman,” and I think those are the only enlisted personnel who have lines and appear in more than one episode. Starfleet seems ridiculously officer heavy.

Is the enlisted/officer distinction different in Starfleet from traditional armed forces? And where are all the warrant officers?

  • @[email protected]
    91 year ago

    It absolutely is confusing.

    Roddenberry gave conflicting direction on this. By the time TNG rolled out, his position was that most of the crew were officers.

    But it was a long and confusing evolution. After intervention by the network after the TOS pilot, turned Janice Rand’s yeoman role, which is one of the most senior NCO roles on a naval ship, into what seemed to be a personal secretary. NBC was no more ready for a senior NCO who was a woman than they had been to have a female first officer Number One.

    Discovery makes things murkier by mixing in ‘Chiefs’ as a title for department heads but never actually saying who is chief medical officer or chief engineer.

    Lower Decks seems to have ensigns being hazed with junior enlisted tasks. However, Prodigy has introduced warrant officers as another career pathway outside the Academy.

    • teft
      81 year ago

      Janice Rand’s yeoman role, which is one of the most senior NCO roles on a naval ship, into what seemed to be a personal secretary.

      A yeoman is a person who does administrative and clerical work in the modern Navy. They run the gamut from E-4 to E-9. That’s low enlisted rank to the highest. Rand could be an E-9 Master Chief Petty Officer Yeoman for all we know. That would make her the appropriate rank to be the captain’s administrative assistant.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Master Chief Rand

        Master Chief Yeoman Rand?

        Edit: disclaimer, I used ai to generate this., also I apparently have fat thumbs today.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Just to say the way the role is presented kn television doesn’t highlight the sensitive roles such as being the senior NCO responsible for oversight of enlisted personnel performance evaluations or communications with command.

        It would be very senior AO role on a capital ship, but she mainly comes by to get the captain to sign stuff.