Inspired by a similar question on reddit:

What games do you replay regularly/annually? (No shame if you skipped a year or two.) I am especially interested in ‘comfort’ games.

Only rule is, you should have played the game for the first time at least 5 years back.

My list:

  • Street Fighter 2 in all variations/on all platforms I have access two. I guess I have been playing it regularly for more than 25 years by now. No Street Fighter after the Alpha/3rd Strike ever captured me like this.

  • Contra / NES This one I play regularly for more than 30 years (at least), to this day my favorite action game and the ultimate benchmark (I played all NES/SNES/Genesis Contras and Operation Galuga, nothing comes close.)

  • Slay the Spire: Hits 5 years of being released, I played since the early access and wasted too much time on this, still fun and perfect on smartphones

  • Doom I/II: I cannot tell you what it is, there are obviously better FPS than Doom I/II, but sometimes, if I just want to blow some steam, Doom is the only thing that delivers. (I think I never played trough all episodes of either Doom I or Doom II

  • Rentlar
    81 year ago

    Civ 5 until Civ 6 released, then Civ 6.

    Idk I just get Civ fever with my friends in Player vs computer matches every few months. I almost always do the same (what I’ll call the DaVinci) strat of being relatively peaceful until rushing the Advanced Flight tech before anything else and levelling all the unprepared cities in the middle ages.

    The other one is Minecraft. The funnest part to me is that exhilaration of surviving the first few days in the wild on a multiplayer server with friends, setting up that initial base and then spending more days building up to your elaborate design. I tend to alternate between the latest vanilla Java server then a modded one.