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65% of U.S. adults say the way the president is elected should be changed so that the winner of the popular vote nationwide wins the presidency.

  • Neuromancer
    01 year ago

    Wow fascist much?

    States are entities under the government with their own laws.

    We are not a democracy fascist. We are a constitutional republic. The founding fathers had no interest in a rule by the masses nor do i.

    Maybe you should learn the history of our government and why it was designed the way it was rather than pushing weird fascist ideology that states don’t matter and only the federal government counts.

    We’d break as a nation quickly under your ideology.

      • Neuromancer
        01 year ago

        God no. I want a constitutional republic. That’s what America is.

        Personally I wish we’d have more restrictions around voting. The old days of property owners being able to vote is a good idea. I’m not a fan of the poor voting.