ST. LOUIS (First Alert 4/Gray News) – A former teacher at a high school in St. Louis who resigned after her OnlyFans page was reported to district officials has been fired after just days on a new job. Brianna Coppage was a teacher for five years, spending two at St. Clair High School. She was ... Read more
OnlyFans and high school teacher absolutely do not mix. There is a 0% chance one will be able to properly educate students in that environment.
If only we paid them a living wage so they wouldn’t have to seek additional income to survive.
She made as much teaching as the median household income in the area by herself (completely ignoring the rest of her household). Since when is that not a living wage?
You try living on 42k/year in a metropolitan area and tell me how it works out for you.
I’m not the person you are replying to, but I take your point and agree with you in principle. However, you didn’t really address their point that $42k is the median household income in her area. So at least half the households (not just individuals) are trying it. But I don’t know how it’s working out for them.
Perhaps that region is quite affordable or has a low cost of living or is crime ridden, idk.
Feelings > facts.
I couldn’t get your link to work to check your source, but data commons said the median personal income for St Loius in 2022 was around 35k.
I believe the data came from the US census, so it includes students and retirees. It is probably safe to assume that household median has gone up since 2016. She probably earned a living wage, but not the living comfortably wage I believe teachers deserve. (Not trying to start an arguement, just trying to be helpful.) Have a good day!
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Haha, yea, that’s how the Internet works.
Why is it her fault that someone else lied to see porn?
Because real people have to deal with the real world as it is, not as they imagine it ought to be in their heads.
No amount of “it shouldn’t be like this” is going to convince a school full of kids in the heat of puberty to behave under those conditions.
Like how the real world paid her only slightly more than a intro fry cook salary to teach hundreds of kids so their parents could go be productive members of society for 8 hours, so she looked for other ways to supplement her income?
Both things can be problems.
Only one of them is a problem and it’s the one where the teacher can’t pay her fucking bills.
Outline to me exactly what the problem is with her having a side hustle.
Students finding those pictures and sharing them around causes significant behavioural problems in the school, regardless of what you think should happen.
So by your logic nobody on earth should ever create any porn because a child can lie and watch it
Ok then pull the stick out of your asshole and realize your morality isn’t relevant.
I’m going to get downvoted for this, but you’re speaking truth here. It sucks that she had to find something to supplement her income, and it is certainly a problem. That said, her starting an OnlyFans page was a poor choice on her part for all the reasons you laid out, and I’ll add one more: it increases the chance for her to be sexually assaulted by either a student, parent, or coworker. Also a very big problem. I’m not saying any of this is fair or just, it’s the reality of the world we live in. Fair or unfair, just or unjust, the choices we all make have repercussions. I don’t think it’s “fair” that she needed to supplement her income with a side hustle; but she’s not the only teacher who with a side gig, and most of them don’t wind up on OF. I don’t think it’s “just” that she was fired, but the kids at the school finding that content would’ve created a giant mess and possible legal situation for the school (which takes money from the already meager pot teacher pay comes from, i.e. tax revenue). Until the problems we all agree exist are addressed (sure, hold your breath waiting for that), the current reality simply cant be ignored out of idealism.
But 12th grade students may already be adults.
Anyway, why does it matter? She’s not teaching how to make OF content.
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That’s not her problem.
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But, again, that’s not her problem.
That’s not at all what happened, so this isn’t relevant.
No it isn’t.
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The only reason this is impacting her ability to do her job is because other people are making it a problem for her. If people harassed me at my job and my job fired me for it, that wouldn’t be fair. But she’s a woman expressing sexual freedom, of course plenty of people will hate her.
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I think parents should control their children’s access to the Internet. Teachers are allowed to have a life outside of their extremely demanding underpaid job without puritans demanding that they be a role model for children in every aspect of their lives.
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The high school teacher probably wasn’t using OnlyFans as a teaching platform. Those were two completely different environments.
Attendance 100%
Most adults are perfectly capable of siloing different parts of their lives, especially between work and personal lives.
But I can see you’re probably not part of most adults and therefore it MUST be impossible for everyone else…
We are talking about highschool students here. You think they will be able to properly learn in such an environment?
Why wouldn’t they? In middle school one of the teachers (a long time ago) did some porn and I saw the pictures. It didn’t affect my ability to learn. Seeing boobs didn’t magically make my brain stop working.
I dunno, I saw boobs when I was a baby and now I’m a fucking idiot.
Ah I get it now, you must be one of those school administrators who implements asinine dress codes for girls because “It’s too distracting for the boys”
They’ll learn just fine. Not to mention the myriad of ways of doing OF in a way that prevent IRL identification. Hell, OF has profile geo blocking as a built in feature lmao
You mean highschoolers who can’t legally watch her videos anyway?
Highschoolers, the people who are well known for telling the truth when presented with an ‘are you 18’ prompt when looking at porn.
They’d probably need to steal a credit card too, at least from what I know. I can imagine a person who is willing lie, but I don’t know if most of them would steal from their parents.
Ah, so only those that commit fraud will be distracted. Gotcha.
Elaborate as to why you feel this way.
Right, teachers should not be human and exist on any sexual level. They should be automatons devoting their every second of life to their students for 42K a year.
Give me a break.
Exactly! They shouldn’t even have children. What if the students start questioning how they made them? /s
If you just read the article, though, you will see that her new job has nothing to do with teaching. She was fired for “violating the social media policy” after five days, she says they won’t elaborate further.
She says she was also up-front about her side gig. But how exactly do you put your OnlyFans experience on your resume? “Internet Personality”?
heh personality
Pair of 'em, really.
Several years from now you’ll be able to tell your phone to make a sexy video of your school librarian, a toaster, and a maths equation. How will anyone get anything done?
As a society we need to realise that producing questionable material is not shameful, and consider I stead that accessing compromising content concerning the school librarian may be appropriate.
Holy fucking Christ Lemmy is full of some of the stupidest people.
This was clearly a joke, people. About how you wouldn’t be able to educate ON OnlyFans.
For fucks sake.
could you elaborate? because I don’t understand how you’re making these connections…
Aww, look! It’s special. 🥲
The issue is how parents would react to it more than the students caring themselves.
There, fixed that for you!
How ever did you manage to crack the code? You must be very smart to have figured out educate means indoctrinate. Now the CIA is gonna hunt you down to prevent the information from spreading.
What about female anatomy 101?