You may be surprised to learn that pepper spray or varieties thereof are classified as firearms in the UK under section 5 of the 1968 act and possession of such has a sentence of upto 10 years.
That’s crazy! You can buy pepper or bear spray over the counter here. No special anything required. 10 years for a non lethal form of self defense that causes no permanent harm seems ridiculously excessive.
Edit: you guys can’t carry pocket knives either. Right?
Oh, at least that’s a reasonable regulation for the knives. I had heard that no pocket knives were allowed. What’s the justification for the pepper spray?
Distract with a discharge of bear spray to their face.
You may be surprised to learn that pepper spray or varieties thereof are classified as firearms in the UK under section 5 of the 1968 act and possession of such has a sentence of upto 10 years.
That’s crazy! You can buy pepper or bear spray over the counter here. No special anything required. 10 years for a non lethal form of self defense that causes no permanent harm seems ridiculously excessive.
Edit: you guys can’t carry pocket knives either. Right?
You can carry a folding blade if its 3" or less. Anything else must have a reasonable explanation e.g. I am chef commuting to work.
Oh, at least that’s a reasonable regulation for the knives. I had heard that no pocket knives were allowed. What’s the justification for the pepper spray?
A knife has a utility beyond inflicting harm on others, pepper sprays have only that use.
Pepper spray is useful for self defense though, and doesn’t cause any permanent harm. Is punching someone who is robbing you also illegal?