This week I’m refurbishing a 15+ yr old computer which was stalling on windows 10 and got abandoned. Currently making a huge backup to an Icy box (the self built variant of a wd passport or similar).

On wednesday, a friend comes over and we’re repasting the old i5. I might add some ram and a better but used cpu later which should give this thing another 10 yrs as a server. The mainboard is full of features and would accept a 4 core with 8 threads and 16 GBs of DDR3. Nothing to play recent games on but maaaaany docker containers will run on this baby! :)

Let me know what you’re doing to spit on consumerism and built-for-the-landfill-economy.

Reminder: I made a petition on to make consumer electronics manufacturers open their devices after they stop supporting them. Please sign it, your support is needed.

  • @[email protected]
    383 months ago

    I don’t see any adverts. I only watch stuff with ads blocked, where I can’t block them I don’t use that service.

    Given the widespread data collection going on, the way it’s collected for advertising and then used for more sinister reasons, if we could all avoid all adverts as a collective boycott we’d fix a lot of social issues and internet problems.

    Reason all the services are inserting adverts is because it’s working.

    • hauiOPM
      103 months ago

      Very much, yes. I agree fully. But try to tell people they should stop viewing ads or install an ad blocker. They will make a ritual sacrifice out of you. It’s always like life of brian when they all scream “he’s the messiah”. If it weren’t so sad, it would actually be a lot of fun. :D

      • @[email protected]
        73 months ago

        I’m old enough to remember when there were only four TV channels, two of them advertising funded.

        I don’t think it’s an unreasonable model to fund a company that way, however the lack of transparency in the modern infrastructure gives the impression something is going on that they know we wouldn’t be happy with if we knew.

        If your business can’t function without keeping secrets I want nothing to do with it.

        • hauiOPM
          63 months ago

          I’m not old enough for that but I was alive when chernobyl went boom. ;)

          The issue is not just making advertisement. That I would be mostly fine with. My issue is monopolism (examle google favoring youtube on search results), manipulation (showing happy people drinking alcohol, implying you will be happy if you drink), cancer-capitalism where companies drive for infinite growth, wage-slavery where people get half of what they got 50 yrs ago if you count inflation.

          Thats why this community exists. People are fed up with this psycho-capitalism where the customer is just another thing to exploit and get rid of.

          • @[email protected]
            43 months ago

            I get the resignation most people have about this, I agree that they likely couldn’t break free or upend the system itself so they feel they might as well surrender to it.

            This is really sad I think. I think with enough collective push things could change direction, even if it would be like adjusting the heading on a supertanker.

            • hauiOPM
              13 months ago

              Absolutely. It is why this community exists. btw. have you seen my petition on about devices being forced open after support ends? That would change the world. Feel free to sign it. We need people to sign it so others even see it. It would mean a lot.

              • @[email protected]
                13 months ago

                Kinda proves the problem, and my point, when the first thing I see when I click that link is Facebook and Google logins.

                Totally agree with your point, still doesn’t feel right to sign a petition which relates to a political system where I’m not subject to the jurisdiction of that system.