For me, ________ is basically all sports games that have ever been broadcast. Most of them are just locked away somewhere, with literally no legal way for anyone to see them.

  • @ChillDude69OP
    19 months ago

    I absolutely loved that game! I think I still have my physical copy of it, kicking around somewhere. Not that box, though, sadly. I had entirely forgotten it was by Bungie, too.

    • Nom Nom
      19 months ago

      It had a really good premise but man if that combat wasn’t cool af. Been wishing for a remake of it for years now and will probably keep on doing so sadly.

      • @ChillDude69OP
        29 months ago

        Those are the exact impressions that I retain of the game. And every once in a while, I’ll be like “…wait, why aren’t they remastering that Oni game?”