Also, why?

Banned shows:

  • Paw Patrol - Seems soulless, I haven’t watched much, but there seems something very wrong about it. Intuitively, I feel like my kid shouldn’t watch it (though, I can could be convinced I’m wrong, if I am)
  • Cocomelon - objectively soulless - don’t try to convince me that this show is anything but toddler crack.


  • Sesame Street
  • Bluey

Both of the above shows seem to me like they are made with care and have the best interests to teaching children good morals and language skills.

  • dohpaz42
    611 months ago

    One show that we always encouraged our kids (especially our youngest, who just couldn’t get enough) to watch was Number Blocks. Honestly I feel like that show is the number 1 reason he does so well in math today.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      I know I am late to the original conversation but that show awakened my children to numbers and math so much so they stole the calculator out of my office to play with at bedtime.

      • dohpaz42
        210 months ago

        Ha! My youngest would always ask to play with the calculator app on my phone. I wonder if it’s related to the show’s influence?