Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) ripped the Department of Defense’s finances for failing its fifth consecutive audit and inability to account for 61% of its $3.5 trillion in assets.

“The most ravenous Leviathan of our government that devours the people’s wealth is the Department of Defense,” Higgins said in an impassioned speech during a House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing on the DOD’s failed audit, financial management practices.

  • AngrilyEatingMuffins
    01 year ago

    Sorry you’re asking ME for proof that 61% of the military’s budget isn’t secret from congress?

    Dude, if that was even close to possibly true we would have a MUCH larger issue

    Yeah, the pentagon only fails budgets because they don’t fucking know what they’re doing with the money. They sent two billion in cash to Iraq and lost all of it, but okay, none of this is because of their 33 years of recorded incompetence!

    Some fucking mental gymnastics there bro

    • blightbow
      21 year ago

      No, was asking you for your thoughts on this specific sentence, on its own:

      Do you think the pentagon has EVER passed an audit?

      Which you did eventually stumble into, but not before engaging in some mental gymnastics for the sake of accusing me of mental gymnastics. Thanks, sort of?

      • AngrilyEatingMuffins
        01 year ago

        Honestly, are you a bot because holy shit do you not make any sense

        Occam’s razor is that the pentagon is bad at accounting for their assets, not that they’re completely circumventing congressional oversight of the military unconstitutionally, which you seem to think is the case, and that it’s good, somehow.

        Imagine licking the boot so bad that you twist two trillion dollars going up in smoke into a win

        • blightbow
          1 year ago

          which you seem to think is the case, and that it’s good, somehow.

          Imagine licking the boot so bad that you twist two trillion dollars going up in smoke into a win

          We seem to keep coming back to how I supposedly think or assumptions about why I was asking the question. Either you have confused me for the original person you were replying to, or you’re jackhammering straw men onto anything they might stick to while making a conscious choice to be a tool about it.

          As you were.

          • dtc
            31 year ago

            Either you have confused me for the original person you were replying to, or you’re jackhammering straw men onto anything they might stick

            Speaking as the guy this particular individual mistook you for, it’s both.