• @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    It’s not victim blaming. It’s reality! We have a 2 party system. If you don’t support one party, you are supporting the other party. It’s a shitty system, but it is the one we have.

    You can either support the pro genocide democrat, or the pro genocide anti democracy anti women’s rights pro school shooter republican.

    By your own admission people complaining that they are not going to vote Biden is the right thing to do, and yet here you are attempting to call their bluff.

    I wouldn’t say I think it’s the right thing to do, I just get their mentality. And I hope for all our sakes it is a bluff because the last thing I want for our country is 4 more years of Trump.

    Hopefully over the next 4 years these liberals stay active and continue to voice their concerns for the future of the Democratic Party and maybe we can have a real candidate when that time comes.

    • @[email protected]
      46 months ago

      So, when will it be time to vote in a way to get representation? When it’s Harris v DeSantos?

      I can also make statements like “a vote for Biden is a vote for the status quo”. Its victim blaming because it is not the voters fault for being conflicted. The Democratic Party and Biden has made voting for them difficult, and failed their campaign promises. If they want cohesion, they are the only ones who can achieve that.

      I will still probably vote Biden next election, but i am thinking about it every single day. And you do not ducking help this dilemma throwing shade around. knowing people, as long as they can be distracted there will be no change. And maybe a trump victory is not so easily ignored.

      • @[email protected]
        56 months ago

        So, when will it be time to vote in a way to get representation? When it’s Harris v DeSantos?

        Like I said, I am hopeful the same people being loudly anti Biden right now spend the next 4 years being loud about what needs to change and who the next Democratic candidate should be. I hope they in 4 years we have a candidate that is actually good. Biden in 2020 seemed like a “safe” reaction to Trump, and unfortunately we are stuck with him this cycle too.

        Its victim blaming because it is not the voters fault for being conflicted.

        I totally get being conflicted, but at the end of the day, you have exactly TWO choices. Pointing out this basic fact about our election system is in no way “victim blaming”.

        1. You can vote for Biden.
        2. You can vote in a way that gets Trump elected and hope he doesn’t screw things up too bad and hope that the Democratic Party changes for the better as a result.

        There are no other options. If you feel like this is shade being thrown around, it’s not. It is a basic fact that every liberal voter must accept.

        Voting 3rd party/writing in something is not [1]. Not voting is also not [1]. Anything that is not [1] IS [2]

        And maybe a trump victory is not so easily ignored.

        This sounds a lot like democrats in 2016 that did not want to support Hillary Clinton. What did that loss earn us? Our potential 5-4 democratic Supreme Court majority was flipped into a 6-3 Republican majority. Include stripping away basic human rights. What will come of another Trump victory?

        and failed their campaign promises

        Ok, I’ll bite. What failed campaign promise? Every president has failed campaign promises, so I’m curious which ones are such a big deal as to allow Trump back into the White House.

        • @[email protected]
          36 months ago

          You got me on the campaign promise thing. The only thing he really promised was that he was not trump, and i can’t say he didn’t deliver. A more correct statement is that he refuses to do what i need from the dnc and was one of the worst of the lot as a democratic candidate for his first presidency.

          As for the 2016 Clinton debacle. Yes that did indeed more than suck. It is greatly distressing that the dnc didn’t take the hint. But it was not the disenfranchised voters fault the democrats lost that, the dnc was decidedly uninterested in appealing to their left leaning base. They thought, like you declare, that the voter has no real choice. Turns out, they did. That’s on the dnc and Clinton and we all are going to be paying for that for ever.

          Saying that not voting for the dnc will ultimately help the republicans is not some secret or unknown. Bringing it up is wholly missing the point and a distraction. It will never ever change anyone’s hearts or make them forget our part in a genocide. Right now before the election it the time for people to air their grievances in the hope that the dnc will pull their head out of their assess. And you are stifling this process at all our peril.

          And do you really believe that the dnc will change without leverage? Seems to me that just like the last forever times nothing will happen once the heats off. There is a threat that the dnc is losing the hearts of their base and it will cost them power. Next election they will just hold some other republicans as the bogey man and you will say the exact same thing.

          • @[email protected]
            46 months ago

            In 2016, I would have kept quiet about the moral liberal who wanted to protest with their vote, or wanted to gamble with an unknown quantity (Trump) vs a known quantity (Clinton).

            8 years later I am not going to sit around and listen to people make the same mistake. Does Biden suck? Yes. Is he as bad as Clinton? IMO, no! Would our country as well as the world be worse off with (at least) 4 more years of Trump? Absolutely!

            You’re not going to change the DNC with a protest vote. Fact is, protest voting didn’t make a difference in 2016, and it won’t make a difference in 2024 either. It will only backfire spectacularly like it did in 2016.

            And do you really believe that the dnc will change without leverage?

            I don’t believe the DNC will change until actual progressives are elected. Ensuring Trump gets his 2nd/3rd term will not change the DNC. It will only make them panic and elect another “safe” candidate.

            Next election they will just hold some other republicans as the bogey man and you will say the exact same thing.

            If you are implying that Trump is just a “bogey man” that is being used to scare Democrats, that is just wrong. He is a known entity that has already done damage and has already promised more damage.

            As for next time? I’m going to join forces with people like you and get behind whatever progressive democrat I believe can win. And if the DNC (voters) back Biden 2.0, I will vote for the lesser of 2 evils and hope and dream for a better 2032!

            • @[email protected]
              6 months ago

              First of all, whether or not you are quiet makes no difference. You are not making an argument. You are stating an ultimatum and the part i have issue with is laying the blame of everything on those who do not vote as you do. That blame rests squarely on the dnc for not compromising with their base.

              If the dnc will not change to maintain a cohesive voting block, then they might lose power, and not being relevant is a choice i guess. Either there will be enough disenfranchised voters or there won’t be. If they refuse to learn the lesson they were so soundly taught in 2016, then so be it.

              By saying trump is a bogey man, i am not saying that he is harmless. I am saying that he is held as so terrible by the dnc that they have told their base that they have no choice but to vote for their pro establishment right wing candidates so they can enrich themselves more, or else we get the trump again. It’s what you buy into when you blame trump winning and everything he did on the frustrated voter who does not step in line. And when trump dies, there will be another person just as evil but not as stupid as trump in the next election to force the exact same candidate choice on us. Thats the dnc’s choice.

              I also do not believe you about voting for a more progressive candidate next time. Why? Because on the result of this primary, you are already throwing blame on disenfranchised voters for not falling in line, on a vote that did nothing but show the dnc how the left feel about Biden. You are using your ultimatum to silence people who are putting forward legitimate grievances months before the vote.

              So yea i think you are lying. But it’s your vote so, what ever. What happens next is up to the dnc, not either of us.

              • @[email protected]
                6 months ago

                I’m not “blaming” anybody. If you are ok with “sending a message to the DNC” BY electing Trump again, that is your prerogative. But don’t act like there are more than 2 options this election cycle. There’s not. Trump wins, or Biden wins. Periodt.

                I personally believe Trump would be willing to spend 4 years dismantling the democracy we have and putting in its place something like what Russia has. In addition to further damaging the rights of women (of all ages) and the LGBTQ community. He has already attempted to overthrow the government once. Giving him another election win will only make him feel even more empowered.

                I don’t honestly care if you believe me or not, but I have never supported Clinton or Biden in the primaries, and I would never support anybody like them in the future. The primaries and main election are 2 different things. And there has never been a candidate like Trump before, so my actions now have nothing to do with my actions before or in the future.

                Lastly, I’m not silencing anybody! You can give out your grievances all you want. March in the streets, hold up signs, give speeches, create tik toks… whatever you want. But if you think protest voting is the way you’re going to “change the DNC”, then you MUST accept the consequences of that. Those being, Trump WILL win and zero change will come to the DNC.

                If you think this is vote shaming or blaming, it is not! It is pointing out the consequences of someone’s actions. If pointing out the consequences makes you feel defensive, then maybe the actions are a problem. If you feel that the consequences are acceptable, then there is nothing wrong with the actions and there’s no need to complain about somebody pointing them out to you.

                • @[email protected]
                  26 months ago

                  You just did it again. Within the next very sentence, blaming the disenfranchised voters for if trump returns to the White House.

                  There are a lot of options in the election cycle. And one of them is Biden not supporting a genocide. Which seems to be a large dividing point that people are talking about right now. Also to stop increasing subsidies to big oil at the same time saying we will focus on the environment. Many choices to be made. And not voting is a choice.

                  You say you will never support a establishment Democrat in the future, it’s just this ‘one last time’. But the reason it’s ‘this one last time’ is because of how bad trump is. Do you really think the next republican candidate is not going to be enacting the 2025 plan? There may have been few president like trump in the past but there is no shortage of them being groomed for the presidency now. the harm to democracy are the republicans planning not trumps. It will be ’one last time’ until the end of time.

                  This whole argument is about assigning blame. It was never questioned whether a fracturing Democratic would help the republicans. That is no shit territory. You have not added anything to the discussion by saying that. If you had said ‘the Democratic Party fracturing helps the republicans’ i would not have argued.

                  But its that you said ‘if you vote third party, or do not vote you are agreeing with trump and the republican party. You will be at fault for the damage they do to democracy, and the harm they cause to the vulnerable of society’ which i have a problem with. You assign the blame of a fractured democratic party on the disenfranchised, the ones abandoned by the dnc.

                  The real blame for the harm belongs to trump and the republicans. The fault for a splintering dnc… is the dnc. Especially after not learning their lesson after 2016. It was spelt out directly for them then. But they have other obligations.

                  • @[email protected]
                    16 months ago

                    First, there are only 2 VOTING OPTIONS. That’s all I’m talking about. Yes, the world has an infinite number of options. Biden can resign today. That’s an option. But when you vote there are only 2 options, it is Trump or Biden. You can do a protest vote, but that is literally no different than voting FOR Trump. Maybe you get some warm and fuzzies that convinces you that you did something good. I hope you enjoy those warm and fuzzies cause that will be the only tangible thing you got from that protest vote. It happened in 2000 and 2016.

                    I guess I should say that this only applies to voters in the 7 swing states. Everybody else can protest vote to their hearts content. Their vote doesn’t matter.

                    Second, I don’t know what you think I said that is me blaming anybody. Is me telling you my opinion what you consider blame? I’m telling you my rationale for my personal decisions. If you disagree with that rationale, that is fine.

                    Maybe you think pointing out the consequences of your own actions equates to blame. If you are OK with the consequences of your own actions, then good. Enjoy those consequences blame free! Don’t come at me because I am questioning whether you truly are ok with the consequences of your own actions. Your defensiveness tells me you are not OK with it.

                    You say you will never support a establishment Democrat in the future

                    I never said I wouldn’t support the establishment candidate. I wouldn’t and won’t in the primaries. When it comes to the main election, I will decide based on the opponent.

                    There may have been few president like trump in the past but there is no shortage of them being groomed for the presidency now.

                    There has NEVER been somebody like Trump! You have to recognize that. This isn’t democrats being dramatic like they were towards Mitt Romney. Or even like they were in 2016. This is a guy that already stripped us of our rights and tried to overthrow the government! This isn’t a boogeyman!

                    If the republicans think they can continue to follow the Trump plan and groom Trump like candidates, then I believe it is more important to send a message to the RNC that that won’t work.

                    Now, that is MY opinion. If you think it’s more important to send a message to the DNC, then that is YOUR opinion. Identifying a difference of opinions is not me blaming you for your opinion. I get that you are feeling conflicted, and me pointing out the facts makes that conflict harder to deal with, but pointing out the facts is not blame either.

      • @[email protected]
        36 months ago

        I just don’t understand why people think that electing more Republicans would be an improvement. It’s a binary choice. Giving the GOP more power does nothing to change the internal politics of the Democratic Party. There are better ways to get Democrats to respond to what their voters want. We have absolute shit participation in primaries, that’s why these corporate goons get to call all the Democrats shots. We should be swarming every moderate during primaries and attacking local elections as hard as possible.

        You don’t have to agree with everything the Democrats do to recognize it’s a strategic imperative that they win against the GOP.

        They must win in November. They must do more to address cost of living, housing, abortion, Gaza, money in politics, etc. Both can be true.