• @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    Chivalry doesn’t start w/ “I dislike you with a passion”

    I think the issue is that as a very left-leaning individual, I’m less concerned about laughing at inept financial decisions and more concerned about policy and ways to ensure she never serves in office again.

    This idea that “if they are losing we must be winning” is a brand of liberalism that hasn’t been as rampant pre-Trump. It feels like people are stooping to the level of Republicans and get off on schadenfreude instead of actual progressive policy and impact

    • gregorum
      6 months ago

      I’m pretty sure that pointing out her obvious and blatant political corruption - not to mention the hypocrisy in it considering her vitriolic attacks on the Biden family - is certainly in the public interest and more than leftist stooping low. And, pardon me, but what’s wrong with a bit of well-earned schadendfruede at the likes of her?

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      “chivalry” in many cases is perpetrated by people who absolutely despise the targets of their chivalry. Call it caping, call it centrism, call it civility, whatever modality strikes your fancy. MGT is a odious human being responsible for a ton of harm, I don’t care if she gave her last fiver to trump and he wiped his ass with it, it should be mocked. (And she didn’t, she’s profited in numerous ways off the backs of the people, so no tears need shedding here)